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"Thank" when someone is taking
(Readers) author breaking 4th wall
"Reading" yelling or saying things very loudly
"My" persons thoughts
"Book" super move or sounds

"Come on Deku we are going to be late!" Toga yells while pulling a very distraught looking boy behind her

From this point of view it would seem like they were a couple (coughs even if them being 5 did not suggest it anyways coughs (if Deku and toga seem to act old it's because of them being "so close" to each other it makes them act more mature)) even if they looked like they were 5 years old (coughs)
The current protagonists where currently trying to find Film makers entrance to get disguises for the beach trip

"Toga!!! We are going to fast!" Deku said while bring dragged by Toga "no we aren't going fast enough!!" Toga said while picking up her pace eventually they found a sewer hole in the middle of a ally that had a sign on the dumpster next to it saying "looking for movies come to Film Makers ""film maker"" area"

They both looked at each other and nodded this is the right place Deku let Toga go first (such a gentle man letting a girl go first in a sewer) when they reached the bottom they saw signs pointing to the right of them "this way" Toga said instantly walking in the direction of the signs

"How can we trust the signs..... have you been down here before?" "I have meet her before she is trust worthy and no I have not been down here specifically" Toga said while making a left at a sign pointing left (cliche I know)

"Oh ok" they kept walking in a awkward silence until Deku (izuku)
Broke the awkward silence "hey Toga what did Dabi say to you when he left for his mission?" Toga blushed even though it was hidden within her everlasting love stricken face "he told me good luck with our mission" "oh ok" Deku knew there was more than that to it but didn't push for answers

Toga pov

"Good he doesn't have a clue" she thought happily "stupid Dabi saying that won't change anything with me and Deku" she thought back to what he said

Toga's flashback

"Hey Toga" Toga looks up from her book "yes Dabi what is it?" Dabi looks at Toga with a hint of amusement "do you like-like Deku" Dabi said with amusement hinted in his voice "n-n-no I d-don't like h-him like t-t-hat!" Toga says while hiding behind her book "I know it!!"
Dabi yells while raising a fist in the air clearly excited "please don't yell it" "you do know I likes you to right everyone can see the "couple thing" going on Toga looks scared "everyone?" She says in a hushed tone "yes they also support it you've help Deku than us also you found him first didn't you?" Toga nodded "I wouldn't be surprised if he started to develop feelings for you" Dabi pats me on the back I look up to see him smirking "go get him tiger"

(Back to the present)
"Where is Nex?"
"I gave him to Tormura because he was interested in Nex for some reason" Deku said shrugging

" Oh ok" I said trying to think why Tormura was interested in the golem I kept contemplating on why he needed Nex until we reached what looked like a submarine door with the handle and everything "he look it must be a security camera" Feku said while pointing to a camera in the corner of the door

I suddenly got a idea "Hmmm let me try somthing" I knocked on the door and looked at the camera

The camera snakes down and look directly at Toga and then Deku spouting some sort of sensor on Deku "hero or villain?" The camera asked

Before Deku could respond Toga did it for him "he is one of us Film Maker he recently joined us" the camera made so weird clicking and whirring noises then it pops in front of Dekus face and started to scan it "entry added" if went back into its socket then the door open reviling a room with red lights on the walls and many trays laid out in a unorganized harmony

We kept walking till we reached what looked like a cubby with multiple monitors one screen showed the entrance others showed the streets even the bar the villains stayed at as we walked into the cubby a chair to our right swiveled out to revile a middled aged woman with chubby checks and a short body Deku was shocked at the sight so was Film Maker I looked back and forth between them "what's so surprising?"


Family of villainsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang