Chapter 10

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A/N AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm freakin out right now! I don't know if this will be true when I publish this chapter but now I'm at 6 under #sophiefoster !!!!!!!! Thank you all sooooo much😊 !!!!!!!!!!

3rd person POV

That kiss, even though it was only their third, gave them a sensation they'd never felt before. They poured their souls and their hearts into that kiss. Sophie angled her head to make things easier for Fitz, who put his hands around her waist. They stayed in that position for what seemed like a blissful eternity. Biana cleared her throat and they quickly pulled apart. The author mentally yelled at Biana, I thought you shipped it, but Biana never knew becuz of the fourth wall separating her and the author.

"It's not that I'm not the president of the Sophitz club, I still ship it. Just, please, contain you affection for a later time when we're all not scared that Grady will walk in and kill Fitz." Biana explained.

"I wouldn't be sooo sure that Grady won't find out... You guys may have forgotten about a tiny detail... Me." Sandor stepped out of the shadows.

"Oh, Sandor, you wouldn't tell a soul." Grizelle  (is that how I write it?...) told him, semi-seductively.

"Just this once, fine. But next time, he will be the first to know..." Sandor said, willing away his blush.

He can't fight Grizelle's charm, can he? Sophie transmitted to the group and they laughed.

"What's so funny?" Sandor growled at the giggling group (including Tam).

"Oh, no it's nothing, Sandelle..." Keefe thought up the ship name at the last second (with a little help from the author,  it he didn't know that). Fitz high-fived Keefe and chuckled while the others just laughed more.

"Teens..." Sandor sighed dejectfully, and Grizelle giggled at him.

"They have their own weird language." Grizelle finished his sentence for him while the fangirls (including the author) were fangirling.

"Anyways," Biana said, "I think we've had enough love related games for now, how about we play... hide and seek - usuing all of Haven Field..." 

"Hide and seek?..." Dex asked.

"It's a human game one person closes their eyes and counts to 30 while the others hide. Then the one that counted has to find them," Sophie explained, "I told Biana about it once."

"Sounds like fun," Fitz said, "I call not counting!" 

"Same!" Everyone except for Biana echoed.

"I guess Biana's counting then..." Tam said. Biana and the others agreed and then Biana started counting.


Dex ran into a bathroom and hid inside a cupboard. 


Tam ran out then back into Sophie's room and hid there.


 Lihn went into a room filled to the brim with books. 


Keefe ran into the backyard and hid in a mound of Alicorn poop. 


Fitz ran into a closet that was on the other side of the house. 


Sophie was walking around the house, not knowing where to go, after all she knew all the hiding spots in the house.


Sophie shot into the nearest closet, almost yelling when she felt something behind her move.

"Sophie? Is that you?..." a voice uttered from behind.

"Fitz... Is that you?..." Sophie questioned, unsure.

Yeah, it's me, we should transmit so that  Biana doesn't hear us.

Good idea, Fitz! 

You know what else would be a good idea? Getting into different positions, cuz you might be resting your back on me, but I'm being cut into by there shelves.

Sophie stood up straight immediately and cringed.

Sorry, Fitz...

It's fine, Soph...

Fitz sat down on one of the shelves and Sophie sat on his lap, he 'wraped' his hands around her... It was a rather small closet...

Better, Fitz?

Yeah, thanks Soph

How long do you think it'll take her to find us and the others? 

Well, I'm pretty sure Tam stayed in the room, so I think Biana'll  find him firs-

"Found you Tam!" Biana was heard saying in the distance before Fitz could finish his though.

"Oh come on!" Tam replied, playing at false annoyance.

"Let's go find the others!"

Well, Sophie transmitted, I guess you predicted it... Is that an elven thing or...?

It's a logic thing, you should know that. Where is the Sophie I know and love, and what have you done with her?

She's right in front of you, that Sophie-girl who you love. No one's done anything with her.

'Guess so, Soph, guess so...

Remember when we first met, Fitz?

Yeah. The second I saw your eyes, I thought you couldn't have been an elf.

And when I saw you flinch at the sound of the preschoolers' thoughts, I didn't believe that anyone else could have my abilities too.

Why did you run though?

Becuz, for all I knew, you could be a creepy stranger who was watching me, had pretended to flinch, and just wanted to kidnap me? Ever thought of that?

Oohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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