You're a girl?!

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(I've put B/N for a boy's name. Or just use your own, I don't care)

Mike's POV

My head'd been spinning the past couple weeks. I'd been falling in love with a newsie. Good, right? Nope. Cus he's a guy. And not only would that be really bad, but I'm also not gay. Or I wasn't gay, before I met him. And I'm still not, make scene? Nope. I don't understand either.

He arrived as a newsie a few months ago. B/N. God even his name was cute. He's an ace at sellin papes, he even sells alone most days. He could also out sass anyone who gave him a go. Heck, he gives the Delancey's a run for their money. He was handsome, and I'd taken a liken to him quite quickly, but when I started to fall for him, it terrified me. I wasn't gay, the idea of doing anything with a guy was repulsive. But part of me wanted it with him.

"Mike! What's got you so thoughtful?!" One of the boys asked, slapping a hand on my back. "Nothing!" I started getting defensive. "I bet 20 papes it's a girl!" Someone offered. "20? Your on!" Someone else accepted. Finally everyone left with Crutchie limping at the back. "Crutchie, can I ask you sometin?" I asked quietly. He looked back and sat opposite me. "Wats up?" He asked. "Well... When they asked if it was a girl, they weren't that far off." I admitted. Crutchie gave me an odd look. "Wat's you tryin to say?" Crutchie asked. "It's a.... Guy." I whispered. Crutchie stared at me. "You're gay?!" He whispered loudly. "Please! don't tell everyone." I pleaded. "Alright." He agreed. "Who?" He asked. I didn't need to answer, B/N walked past me waving. "Hey, Mikey." He smiled at me. "Hey." I breathed. "And hey, Crutchie." He added. Crutchie just waved and then looked back at me. "B/N?" He asked. I nodded slowly. He made a scoffing noise. "Talk to him." He almost ordered. "No way, I'm not even gay!" I defended. Crutchie narrowed his eyes. "Well I guess I am, but the idea a havin a guy you know, on me like that, makes me sick." I explained. "Well, you could be on them." Crutchie joked but I slapped his arm. "Alright, alright." He chuckled. "But talk to them." He said, standing up and leaving me alone.

A few days later I had almost plucked up the courage but needed to be alone with them. Or at least, that's what I'd told Crutchie.

We were all sat downstairs when B/N arrived, waved at us then climbed the stairs. Crutchie did a quick head count then elbowed me. "Alone time." He whispered, jerking a pointing finger up the stairs. I gulped and walked up the stairs slowly. I reached the bedroom and slowly opened the door. There was a girl getting changed, chest completely exposed. Only in panties. All the blood ran to my face. I'd never seen a girl in so few cloths before. She looked up and her eyes met mine. "B/N?!" I almost shouted. He ran, wait no, she? They. They ran and clamped a hand over my mouth. "Please shut up, shut up, shut up!" They hissed. I looked down and felt my face blush even darker red. They really were perfect. "I'm going to get dressed now, please don't tell the others." They begged. I nodded slowly. As they pulled their hand away I couldn't help but stare. I felt an uncomfortable feeling and a tightness in my trousers. Oh god, I'm hard. I backed out of the room, making a run for it and not stopping till I reached a bakery on the corner of the street I sell at.

They're a girl, so I'm not gay. But I saw them naked, and I ran. Oh god my head hurts.

Your POV

I looked up, now fully dressed. He's gone. I ran down the stairs "hey! Did Mike come this way?!" I asked Crutchie. He pointed, "that way." I thanked him and ran after Mike. When I finally reached him he was leaning up against a wall. "Mike." I said carefully, so he wouldn't run again. He looked at me and opened his mouth. When nothing came out he closed it, waited a moment, then tried again. "You're a girl." He said. "yes, I am." I admitted. He looked down again. "I had to, I ran away from my dad. I thought he wouldn't be looking for a boy." I explained. He looked back at me. "Oh god, how do I explain this to Crutchie?" He mumbled to himself. "You don't!" I snapped. "No-one can know!" I reminded him. "Not that, the gay thing." He grumbled. "What gay thing?" I asked. His eyes suddenly widened. "Did I say that out loud?!" He paniced. I nodded. "You know I'm a girl, you can tell me if your gay. I wouldn't mind." I told him, trying to calm him down. I'd honestly be disappointed if he was gay. I thought he was really cute. "I thought I was gay, and I told Crutchie. But now I'm not." He said. "What?" I asked, utterly bewildered. "I thought I was gay, for you." He explained. "But now you're a girl." He added. I just smiled at him, he liked me!

"So what's the problem, I can keep on pretending to be a guy and you can keep on pretending to be gay." I suggested. He looked up at me. "what do you mean, 'keep on pretending to be gay'?" He asked. I pinned him to the wall of the bakery. "This." I said plainly, standing on tip toes and pressing my lips onto his. I felt him freeze, but slowly he began kissing me back and wrapping his arms around my neck. He was an amazing kisser. "B/N." He moaned into the kiss. I pulled away. "Actually, my real name's Y/N." I corrected. "Even cuter." He smirked and then leant down, recapturing our kiss.

"What do we tell the others?" He asked, once we began walking back. Just outside we could hear everyone talking. "I bet B/N kissed him and he freaked." Someone suggested. Mike smirked at me then walked in with me, hand in hand. "Not that far off." He said, nonchalantly. Everyone began shouting at one. Finaly Jack stood on a table, "oi! He shouted. "They're still our family. Even if they're gay. Leave em be." He said, getting off the table.

Mike smiled at me and I smiled back, we slowly leaned in. "Kiss!" Someone shouted. I shrugged and kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck and tangling my fingers in his soft hair. Everyone cheered or fake gaged. But I knew they were all fine with it. And no-one suspected a thing.

Morris Delancey and Mike x reader oneshots (Newsies)Where stories live. Discover now