Eyes Deceived (Chapter 14)

Start from the beginning

"Jason.. We've been over this. I just can't, at least not tonight. They have me working night shift today. But maybe next time, alright?" I gave him a small and tired smile. Jason's eyes seemed to be showing slight pain but he understood. "A-Alright." Honestly feeling bad, I decided to add in. "But for sure, I'll make it up to you. " I slowly pulled away and Jason smiles softly.  "I'll hold onto you on that one, Y/N." Nodding, I turned away and made my way down to the medical supply room.

Putting my hand over to my chest, why does it hurt so much? This unsettling feeling. Looking at the time ahead from the doors. It was barely becoming afternoon, geez. Another long day ahead... Once I grabbed the supplies,  I made my way to the room number 234 for patient Marcus. Walking inside,  I noticed the boy and his mother,  waiting for me as I made a calm smile.

"Hello, I'm Ms. Zalewski. I've seen your recent checkup. You're as healthy as a horse. Just only need four flue shots and you're ready for school. " Marcus bites his lip in slight fear of the needle. Having a updated shots record, I give it to his mother and prepared the shots. Grabing an alcoholic wipe, I cleaned off both of the child's arms.

"Now, I want you to be a brave man. You'll only feel a pinch. Alright?" Marcus nodded and huffed as his face switched to full determination. "On the count of 3. 1..2..3." One shot was placed, he flinched slightly but as I put in the contents. I did the same treatment to the other three shots. Two on his left and two on his right. Placing superhero colored bandages to make him feel better. "There we go, alright. Good job kiddo!" We gave each other a small high five as I pulled out two lollipops for him. He quickly grabbed them and popped one into his mouth happily. "There,  you're all set to go. Now I want you to be careful and have fun at school alright?" Leaning back and discarding the supplies in a specific container.

"Thank you Ms. Zalewski. " Marcus's mother inputted as they made their way to the door. Marcus smiled and waved goodbye as I returned the gesture. Once the door had closed, the smile had turned into a frown. "Another one to go.. " I said and continued with my work until the hours had passed.

It was 3:45 am, here I am in the break room. Exhausted and honestly wanting to sleep desperately or die. Leaning on the small couch, I pulled out my phone to check my messages. It's been a few weeks since I've left that small part of town. God, my vision is starting to blur slightly. But if I read it correctly, Henry sent me a message 3 days ago around 1:20 pm in the afternoon. Curiousity building up, I decided to open it even though it was old news. It was a feeling that I needed to. Or...wanted to.

'Sorry for the inconvenience. I don't know who else to turn to for this. But, there was an incident at my house. The kid was there...did you have any idea how he got out of the medical institute?'

Blinking, I had to reread it carefully. I wasn't tripping out, was I? No, thank god I wasn't. But...deciding to not reply, There was enough shit going on in my head. I put my phone away and heard the door click and opened. Looking over, I noticed my other co-worker, Jane enter just to get her morning snack. Jane looked over to me as she grabbed her yogurt and granola bar as she gave me a concered look. "Wow,  Y/N. You don't look so hot. "

Smirking once more and shook my head. "You're not the first to say that Jane. " Jane hummed and sat next to me. Checking the time on her own phone,  she says.  "Get your stuff, Imma take you home. " Raising my brow, I scoffed and shook my head. "I'm fine Jane. "

Jane hummed and nudges me to move as she replied. "We both know your lying, you can't even stand and it's not from a good feeling that's for sure. " She takes a bite out of her bar and points to my locker. "Get your shit and let's bounce, you need sleep. " Groaning,  I went and did what I was told. "Yes ma. "

During the car ride, it was still raining. I'm honestly getting sick and tired of it. The lights had dimmed over as we passed by, the sun would be coming soon. Squinting my heavily tired eyes,  Not too long before we get to my apartment. I just couldn't stay at Henry's place, not after all of that. As the car parked in a crooked way, I opened the door and looked over. "Nice parking. " Jane scoffed and tapped her steering wheel. "Shut up and get your ass inside. I dont want you going sick on me. " I hummed and slammed the door shut as I walked over to my door and unlocked it. Jane waited until I went inside and as I did,  she drove off.

Slightly drenched, I locked my door and removed all my heavy items and jacket. "Tch.. I'm so tired. But I need to clean myself off. " I told myself, making my way to the bathroom to shower. Luckily it didn't take me long as I finished and got ready to sleep. This place seemed very cold, I thought. Chills traveling down my spine as I made my way to turn on the heater and set it. Checking the time once more, 4:25 am. Yeah, the sun should be coming soon.. Looking over down the short hallway, I walked down to my room.

Once the bed was in my view, I immediately flopped onto it and right there and then, slipped into a heavy ass deep sleep. God.. My body ached so bad, I've never felt myself sink so low. But god it felt amazing, but at the same time empty.. Hours had passed in my sleep as I felt something shift behind me. Something holding me and pulling my closer, slightly opening my eyes. I felt warmth creeping up as I turned to look. Eyes widening, I noticed a familiar pair looking back at me lovingly. Leaning back a bit, he hunched over as I spoke.
"Am I dreaming?"

The Man's P. O. V

The rain seemed to stop as I stood at Molly's room window. After speaking parts of my story to her. "You believe me, don't you?" Finding Henry in my father's basement, Molly ending up dead and that whole different world inside the forest.. I couldn't help but slightly choked up.. As I continue. "They were waiting for me..they still are. If only..If I never found him. None of this would've happened. I didn't ask for any of this. "
Molly gave me a very confused look, as she decided to ask.

"Who's waiting for you..Henry?"
Looking at her, I then changed my gaze down to the floor.
"We grew up together.. Though she was a stranger to everyone. She always depended on me. There were so many things she couldn't see.. Always depending on my eyes. Yet the eyes can be deceived."
Pausing, I remembered it clearly... How she was always full of surprises when we were young. Always full of determination and always risking for what she thought was right.
"We were just kids batting our eyelids.. She would always banter and smile for me. Oh, she was the one for me. " Thinning out my lips, I gently gulped and my hands clenched inside the pockets of my jacket, "It hurts me,  that she doesn't remember or know what going on. It wants them, but it can't have them. I won't let it.."
Molly still showing a confused look, still wanting to know who I was referring to as my darken gaze turned to look at Molly.

"Our child, Y/N and mine...It's been reaching out for them. They're calling her. "
Molly's eyes widened as she tried to put the pieces together as I spoke. I noticed she was getting some sense of it. I turned away.
"You all still have no idea what's going on. But you will. "

Back to Y/N's P. O. V

Seeing his smile, it seemed so familiar but this one seemed more genuine. He leans closer and hums near my ear. Hearing bones pop and crack, his voice remained calm. His body weight rest over me as I noticed blood trickling down from his ribcage...crack,crack.

"Do you remember.. Those faces. Faces of Death. " His voice whispers near my ear as I tried to move but I couldnt. He raises himself up as his eyes were rolled back and white, moving his head to the side as it cracked and popped. His mouth opened in a strange way but literally not human. Blood began to ooze out as fear began to rise up to the top of my sanity. Sudden faces appearing,  faces of Dennis... Faces of people I knew before even my own parents..

"You can finally see me.. Finally see me. " The ringing began to occur as he got closer, I couldnt scream or move as his mouth opened wider as he tried to devour me alive. Eyes surrounded me as before... Then suddenly- the sun light had woken me up. Jumping up on my bed, my eyes widened and cold sweat dripped down me.

Breathing heavily, chills had nonstop coming within me. Looking ahead of me, I saw my reflection sitting on the bed. Pulling my hair back slowly, I couldn't help but have tears weild up in my eyes, biting my lips as hard as I could. Hands trembling, I looked down at my scarred knuckles. Reminding myself on how I came to be here now. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10...exhale. I need to get ahold of myself. I have to, I need to do it for him. For him.

"I need to wait.. But for how much longer... " I said to myself. Looking to the side of the painting next to me, it hanged proudly on the wall. Those eyes of his, at least they somehow keep me sane from this hell of a time. A sense of where I'm supposed to be placed in a way. I need to keep sane, I have to.. I looked back to my hands. Telling myself.

"Yeah.. For him. "

Eyes Deceived (The Kid x Reader) - Castle RockWhere stories live. Discover now