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Hi everyone, I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while mainly because I am really struggling with what to write as I don't want the story to be the same thing over and over and I want it to be mostly original and not like anyone elses! (I'm also not being able to word things the way I would like to.)

I feel the reason I am struggling so much is because all of the other Fanfics I read are absolutely amazing and so well written and I just want mine to be like that also, I want it to be perfect. So, I will try my very best to get chapter 4 up throughout the weekend.

Oh, and here in the UK next Tuesday is exam results day so I am super nervous about getting my results so I probably won't be able to write anything very amazing until I know whether I have done bad or good. Pray for me guys haha!😄😓Thank you for being so patient and kind!❤

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