''He won't. Told me he never wanted to see me again."

Teresa got up from the little couch she was in and sat down by his side.

''Come here." she said, opening her arms for her brother to get refuge into. Which he did, immediately, squeezing her sides between his arms.

''I shouldn't have woken you up." he said, his voice deep from the crying.

''Rah, don't even think about it Tom. You know you can call me anytime. Besides, next time I find you alone in the streets, freezing, at 2 in the morning, I'll kill you."
Thomas let out a sad giggle, a little sorry and closed his eyes.
''I'm serious Tom. You could have been assaulted or something."

"Sorry. I was looking for him."

''I know you were." Teresa said softly, playing into her brother's hair.

''You should go home. Brenda and Cassie are going to get worried."

''Don't worry, Brenda knows where I am. And Cassie's sleeping, I'm sure. Nothing can wake up that kid. I'm going to struggle to get her up to school next year.."

Thomas giggled some more, thinking about his adorable goddaughter.

''I miss her. Please tell her I miss her."

''I will. Why don't you come home for diner tomorrow? She'll be thrilled to see you."


Thomas softly smiled, and closed his eyes again so he would shut the thoughts away.


Newt got home at one in the morning.
He had to walk a long time and the rain had make it harder for him to remember his way home from that part of the town.

The rain, the cold, the limp, everything made it harder and..made him angrier.

I never want to see you again.

Newt got home and closed the door carefully so he wouldn't wake up his parents - god, last thing he needed was a talk with his parents. Newt, why are you all wet ? Newt, why are you limping so hard, did you have a long walk ? Newt, how did it go with the boy ?

He managed to get to his room without a sound.
He managed to get rid of his wet clothes without looking at his leg.
He slumped under his blankets and took a look at his phone.

When he saw three texts from Minho, asking if 'everything went well', he lost it. His phone flew right into the wall, making hell of a noise when the plaster cracked and the screen broke.
He bursted into tears, not even trying to keep the loud sobs in.
His mom soon knocked on the door, asking Newt if he was okay.

''I'm fine!" he shouted, sitting down.

The door opened, his mom obviously worried standing in the hallway, asking again what was going on.

''Go away!" he shouted again, hiding his face in his hands.


"Mo-om! Just go-o away!" he shouted again, in between loud sobs.

His mom finally left, closing the door behind her. She knew Newt would only get more upset if she insisted.

Newt cried for an hour before falling asleep.


It was still raining the day after.
Thomas desperatly wanted to call in sick at work, but went to the hospital anyway, eyes red and puffy.
He hoped Newt would come to his appointment.
He wasn't surprised though, when he didn't show up.
Thomas had a lump in his throat all day, while taking care of his other patients, because Thomas was kind, and sweet, and soft. And hurt. He had a lump in his throat all day and cried when he got home.
Maybe Newt would come tomorrow. He wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.

It was still raining the day after.
Newt woke up with the sound of knocks on his door. He woke up again when he felt fingers playing in his hair.
He opened his eyes but they ached, so he closed them again, huffing.

''I don't want to go to physio, mom."

''I guess it didn't go well last night, uh." his mom said softly.


Anita left the room and Newt didn't go to physio.
He wouldn't go tomorrow either.

❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
nda : hello everyone 💓 i'd like to sincerely apologize for being so slow with updates.

this chapter is for my best reader tindruss, you're amazing and always so supportive, your comments always make me so happy so here you go. thank you, from the bottom of my heart 💞

I hope you're all okay and enjoying the story 🌼

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