Chapter Four: Weird Behavior

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--------------------------Elizabeth's POV---------------------

When I woke up I came face to face with a chest. More importantly, Jason's chest. I looked up at his face and seen that he was still sleeping. I looked at the time and see that it was only 5am. I decided to go downstairs and make something to eat. I crawled down to the end of the bed and got off. Then I made my way the kitchen. I found the stuff to make pancakes and started cooking. About 30 minutes later the boys all came down still in their pajamas. When they seen that I had made breakfast, they were overjoyed. They all sat down and started eating. Since I had already ate I headed up stairs to get ready. I got dressed in a pair of ripped skinny jeans, combat boots, and navy blue V-neck t-shirt. I brushed my hair so it was it was natural. Straight. Then I put on my make up and stuff and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. The boys had just finished and were making their way upstairs to get ready. I grabbed my keys, intending to go out to my truck to drive to school when somebody grabbed my waist and turned me around. It was Jason. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked. "To school....?" I said. "Without us?..." He pouted. "Well yeah...." I said. "Nope sorry princess. You're coming with us" he says as he takes my keys. "Hey!! Give those back!!!" I shout. Although it does nothing because all I get in response is him throwing me over his shoulder and out the door. Before I know it I'm placed on his motorcycle and he's putting a helmet on my head. I start shaking my head no. Showing that I don't want to go to school on this. But he just ignores me and gets on. He starts it and soon enough we're zooming down the road.

Once we get to school and he parks it, I quickly hop off and take the helmet off. I throw it at him before I storm inside. All while he laughs at me. Once I get inside I run to my locker. And I head off to start the day.

By the end of the day I was tired. Tired of all the stares. Tired of all the rumors. Tired of all the glares. I just wanted to go home. So before the boys came out, I quickly grabbed my bag and ran home seeing as it was only a couple blocks away from school. Once I got home I said hi to Leo and went and got some food. I knew the boys would be worried but I was planning on going back over there later on.

I was upstairs on my laptop when I heard the door open and slam shut. I heard Leo barking in the backyard. This could only mean one thing. Landon was home. And he was pissed. Which meant he was either high. Or drunk. Or both. Here's something I forgot to mention. If Landon comes home high or drunk. Nothing good ever comes out of it. Last time he came home like this. I was in the hospital for three days with a concussion and a broken arm because he pushed me down the stairs. There have been worse times. I have scars all over my body from him. And it only started after dad died. Anyways. To say I was scared is an understatement. I was freaking terrified. I looked for my phone but couldn't find it. I must of left it downstairs. I grabbed my laptop and hurried up and messaged Jason. But he never checks his Facebook and neither do the other guys which means I was screwed. Suddenly my bedroom door slams open and in walks Landon. His eyes are red so he must be high. "So the slut decides to come home huh" he calmly says. Which means he's anything but calm. "H-hey L-L-andon" I stutter. He looks at me in disgust. "So I hear you and the four bad boys have been getting quit friendly." He says. Before I could answer he had me by my neck and threw me against the wall. "YOURE SUCH A SLUT. I CANT BELIEVE YOURE FUCKING ALL OF THEM." He yells as he kicks me. He continues this for about another ten minutes before he stops and leaves. This was one of the better times though. Even though I couldn't move. At least he didn't have any knives with him this time. I laid there on the ground for what seems like hours. I have no idea where my phone is. My laptop is too far away and I can't move. Soon enough I start seeing black dots, signaling that I am about to pass out. And I did.

-----------------Jason's POV------------------

When Elizabeth didn't meet us out front we got a little worried. We called and called and called. But she never answered. We decided we would let her be for a while and we went home. We were all anxious though. We were all pacing and couldn't calm down. I had a bad feeling. A really really bad feeling that something wasn't right. It had been at least three hours since school ended. And there was still no sign of her. Two hours later it was 9pm. And nobody had heard anything. Aiden must of been on Facebook because we heard him say "shit" under his breath. We all looked over his shoulder to see people were talking shit about Elizabeth. My princess. I don't even know how she became so important to me in such little time. I haven't even slept with a girl in over two weeks. And yes I know that we all just started talking to her yesterday. But truth is. We noticed her a couple weeks ago but didn't say anything. Now that we have. I don't want to ever lose her. I took out my phone to check my Facebook too and seen that I had a message. From Elizabeth. It said " I'm at my house. I'm in trouble. HELP" it was sent at 2:30pm. Oh god. That was almost seven hours ago. "Guys. We need to go. Now." Once I told them where we were going we all but flew to her house. When we got there we seen the front door open and heard her dog barking out back. I ran in first Aiden and Clyde checked the bottom floor while Jesse and I searched the top floor. I went to her room first and was shocked at what I seen. Her room was trashed. And I seen some blood on the wall. I looked on the other side of the bed and seen the one thing I was hoping I wouldn't. Elizabeth passed out on the floor covered in blood and barely breathing. I wanted to cry. I told Jesse to call an ambulance.

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