Chapter One: Wonderful

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-----------------------------Elizabeth's POV-----------------------------
I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I looked over and seen that it was only 5:30 in the damn morning. Why the hell do I have to wake up this early? Oh yeah. That hell called school. Now, just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I like school. Because trust me, I hate it just as much as anyone else. I get up and let Leo out of my room before I go into my closet and get out my clothes for the day which consist of my usual skinny jeans, hoodie, and my favorite pair of combat boots. I take them to the bathroom that's connected to my room and I take a shower and do all that crap. Then after I get dressed I put on my usual make up which is just a little bit of mascara to make my brown eyes look bigger. After that I put my long blonde hair into a braid that reaches down to my lower back. People say I'm pretty, but I think I just look average. But I know I look better than those sluts at school that wear barely anything and cake their faces with ten pounds of makeup. Seriously. What do guys see in them?!? Oh yeah, they're easy lays. As I walk downstairs I call for Leo, and I take him to the back door to let him do his business. I make myself some breakfast which consists of chocolate chip eggo waffles. I love these things. Seriously. Whoever doesn't, is a weirdo. I let Leo in and I grab my bag and head out to my big black duramax diesel pickup truck. What? I like trucks. Sue me. After I get in I make my way to hell, looking forward to the wonderful day of learning, please note my sarcasm. When I get to school I get out of my truck and head to my locker. As I make my way into the school I hear the sound of a motorcycle pulling up into the parking lot. I look back and see Jason Black. The schools ultimate bad boy. He's about 6'7 with dark brown short hair and bright blue eyes. And as he parks, his three friends walk up to him. There Aiden James, he's about 6'0 with blonde wavy hair and green eyes. He's the most playful and nicest out of the group. Next there's Jesse Smith he's about 6'4 with shaved black hair and brown eyes. And last but not least there's Clyde Riverson he's about 6'5 with shaggy light brown hair with black streaks in it, with green eyes. Together they are the four most feared people in school. Maybe in the entire town. I don't know. But they scare the living shit out of me and I try my best to avoid them. Even though I have at least one of them in each if my seven classes. As I walk fully into school I see the slut gang. They are the six most disgusting girls ever. They where skirts that are like underwear and they wear shirts that's are like bras. How they get to talk around like that without getting trouble, is beyond me. But either way they always open for business if you know what i mean. As I said there's six of them. The leader being Brianna. She's just your typical blonde bimbo with the "I'm better than everyone" additude. She has been Jason's on and off again girlfriend for the past few weeks. But it seems like she thinks it's more than just hooking up. Wish I could say the same for Jason. Anyways. As I finally make it to my locker, thankfully unnoticed, I grab the books I need for the first three classes and head off to my first class, chemistry. I've already read through the whole book so I just spend the hour doodling and day dreaming and shit. When the bell rang I was so happy. I quickly made my way to the door but ended up running into someone. That someone being none other than Jason black himself. When he turned around to see who just ran into him, he looked a little pissed. I'm literally shaking because I'm so scared. When he sees it's me he relaxes a little. Then he smirks and says " watch it princess". I literally wanted to cry. "I-I'm s-sorry I didn't m-mean t-too" I stutter as I look down to my suddenly interesting boots. He looks down at me and frowns. He reaches out to touch my shoulder and I flinch back. His frown deepens and he says "what's wrong? Why are you shaking?" I step back towards the door and say " I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run into you! Don't hurt me!!" And then I turn around and run out the door.

Once I calm down I head to my locker and see my brother standing next to it. " yes brother?" I say as I open my locker and grab my phone. " hey sis. Just letting you know I won't be home tonight" he says. I sigh " okay. Well I have to go. See you whenever Landon" I give him a hug and walk away. As I turn the corner I run into something really hard. I look up and see its Jesse. Oh shit I think. First Jason, now Jesse? "I'm sorry!!! I wasn't watching where I was going!! Please don't hurt me!!!" I said cowering back. He looked at me like I was crazy. " sweetheart I'd never hurt a girl, now stop shaking. And come on. Ill walk you to class." Before I know it his arm is over my shoulder and he's leading me to my class.

Once I get to my class I say bye to Jesse and go to walk into the class, but he apparently has other plans seeing as he grabbed my arm gently and turned me around. I looked at him questionably, " sit with me and my friends today, ill show you we aren't as bad as you think. And before you say no, if you don't, I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you to our table okay?" He didn't know that I ate lunch in the back corner of the library. Or on nice days like today I sat outside by a huge tree on the side of the school. Before I could answer he smiled at me and walked away. Wonderful

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