Prince: You Makayla I came over here for you.

Me: Because

Prince: Because I love you and I want us back I want us to be a family I want My future Son or Daughter To Know About me to love me I want my child to have both of their parents in their lives not one playing both roles.....I want you

Me:........Well what if I dont want you

Prince: I'm Sorry Makayla you know I love you girl and sometimes when I get upset I dont listen I dont think before I speak which is why i'm taking counseling for you. I'm trying Makayla yeah I know i've done some fucked up things to you and Im so sorry for that if I could go back in time and changed what happened I would've I would've gave you a chance to explain.......I just want both of my babies back......

Me: What about Brianna?

Prince: What about her I been broke up with her once you told me I was the father I had to leave her she under stood and we are just friends now I had to be a man and take care of my responsibilities. it took two people to make that baby and now the two of us are going to take care of it

Me: can I be sure that you wont hurt me again

Prince: Baby just trust me and we can get through this............Im so sorry and I do mean this from the bottom of my heart makayla.....i'm sorry.......

I seen the tears forming in his eyes and I knew he wanted to cry but he wouldn't let them fall. I knew he was for real I didn't say anything but just looked into his beautiful teary eyes and just kissed him. He smiled then kissed me again and then he kissed my stomach which was so cute.

Prince: Have you thought about baby names yet?

Me: Yes for the boy not really for the girl.

Prince: Well....what was the name going to be for the boy?

Me: Well whether we made up or not I was going to name him after you since you did make him.

Prince: And for the Girl? 

Me: I don't know really I was thinking Miracle,  Justice, or Miranda what about you?

Prince: Well I agree 100% on the boy name and for the girls I was thinking Ashley, Tyler, or Marrisa

Me: I like those names

Prince: Well we will agree on one name

Me: Oh and next week i'm going to the doctors office to see the sex of the baby and I want you to come with me so I dont be by myself

Prince: Oh ok and i'm driving to why are you still driving Makayla you know you're not suppose to be driving do you not see how big your stomach is and if you get into a car accident you put not only your life on the line but the babys life as well. You're suppose to be in the back seat

Me: bad

Prince: It's ok just be careful and ok I guess i'll just be going I came to make sure that we was good

Me: Stay

Prince: I'm coming back I have a meeting in a few with Nolen and after that I promise you I will be back

Me:Pinky swear

Prince: Pinky swear

When we did are pink swear he kissed me on the for head got up and left that pinky promise ment everything to me. I'm just glad I got my baby back I missed him but he soon came around which was good enough for me.


I'm in the car with Ebonie arguing with her because she's upset that she's not staying the night with me she's going to her fathers house and we just pulled up.

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