I cupped her cheek and rubbed my thumb on her large flushed plump apples "what?" She kinda laughed

I leaned down and kissed her I just I felt the need to kiss her I pressed her up against the car door it wasn't even a lustful kinda kiss it was slow, earnest, passionate as I pulled away I got the chance to watch her flutter her eyes open those ravishing green eyes framed in thick black lashes revealed once again

She looked away and I felt her kinda shifting were she stood I took a step back and she glanced at me before taking a small step toward me closing the space again

I dunno why but I found that irresistibly adorable I grabbed her waist "Stop being so bashful" I whispered in her ear

She looked up at me through her lashes "I can't help it" I nodded and kissed her cheek I was so glad she didn't wear face makeup no foundation, no contour, no blush just her highlight it was wonderful to be able to kiss her cheek and not have her taste of chemicals or my lips covered in creams and powders

We got to the table in the private room ,the same one I had to see Bonica in once a month, Marcel Drake, and Sallis were here and seated but Beckum, Greg, and Tomas were congregated in the corner of the room talking

"Hey Harry" Marcel stood he's the nerdiest guy I'd ever known sweater vests, soda bottle glasses, and gel slicked hair

"Hey Marcel" I greeted shaking his hand to seem professional in front of Alexis even though he's my best mate he looked toward Alexis ,his instinct made his gaze fall on her chest before her face

"Hey I'm Marcel I'm the shipping company Harry uses" he held his hand out Alexis took his hand and shook it but he turned her hand over and kissed the back of it

"I'm Alexis" she shrugged "uhh just kinda Alexis"

"My new sugar Baby" I clarified then added "my princess" just so she wouldn't feel bad I'd called her out though they'd all know regardless

She smiled ,so I did something right

"I'm Sallis" he scooted Marcel out the way and blatantly stared at her chest "lovely girl you are can't wait for a go at you"

I went wide eyed "no no no not her"

"What do you mean that's no fair" Beckum butted in the mass had moved over here

"Harry?" I panicked hearing a very annoyed tone "what are they talking about?"

I've never feared a woman how I fear her... that bitch face... one raised eyebrow... blazing green eyes .... full pouty lips that made an angry semi-frown I know she has resting bitch face and I kinda like it but her active bitch face is so much worse I genuinely feel pressured and scared

I looked at them then smiled weakly and cleared my throat "uhh well mm.." how could I put this delicately "m-my other sugar babies... at these meetings w-would umm g-go to my hotel with the other guys f-for extra cash and such I-it was in the contract th-that sugar babies had to be okay with being passed around" oh that didn't sound very delicate

"I would have never signed if I knew that I did not read that that's-"

"It's not in yours" I cut her off "even on the first draft I gave you I whited it out..."

Lovely Arm CandyWhere stories live. Discover now