After hours of planning and calling for reinforcements to join us, the plan is fully furnished. Conan says that if we precisely follow all those steps, without any outside intervention, we have a 95% successful rate here which is really good to hear. We'll be executing the plan in the next few hours and all I'm doing now is preparing.

"Have you done something to him?" Gavin suddenly asked me the moment he sat down on his desk. Since we're on the same team, our areas are near each other.

"Done something to who?" I asked.

"Conan...somehow became less of an ass," Gavin replied.

"Oh, that. Well, I just talked to him, told him not everything is about the mission and not everyone is as perfect as him," I answered him. 

"And he listened to you?" he asked in disbelief. He was so baffled by the fact that the RK900 android had listened to me.

"Can't believe it either. You're so shocked, Reed. Can't process the fact that the android is a better listener than you are?" I teased while smirking at him, "At least he became less of an ass, not like someone I know," I continued.

"Shut the hell up, Y/L/N," he retaliated and I chuckled at him.

"See, like someone I know," I continued to tease him.

Back then, my temper goes very low whenever Gavin and I clash but now it's just like a sibling bickering. It's not like I'm feeling something for the guy, I would never, not to that extent at least. I just feel like he became a family after what happened to me. He's been my partner for more than 15 months and I got used to him I guess. Sometimes he acts like an older brother to me too.

After that short break, I focused on memorizing the plan again and preparing. I couldn't risk doing something wrong here because I might turn up organ-empty the next time a human sees me again. This really is a dangerous mission, but with the team I have, I am confident.

I just wish that nothing unpredictable will happen.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"We're all in position, Y/N. Just follow the plan, we'll be right behind," I heard Gavin said over the small earpiece that I am wearing.

It's thirty minutes past midnight and I am walking alone along this dim-lighted street that is located within our pinned radius. This is where those missing people were last seen and we hope we'll come across those takers tonight.

There were still a decent number of people walking around and I honestly couldn't tell who's just a passerby or who could be the potential takers are. The situation fires up my anxiety, but I keep telling myself to calm down since I have a great a team is behind me.

I tried my best to focus on the faces of the people around me, trying to memorize or even remember them if possible. I kept walking for minutes yet nothing is still happening and I still haven't noticed anything suspicious. The shops around the area are all closed too and as I continue to walk further down the street, the volume of people began to decrease. I took a turn at the end of this main street and I arrived at a darker alleyway. My heart rate decreased, but I pushed forward.

Suddenly, I felt a chill on my spine. I know I'm being watched by my back-up, but this is a different kind of 'feeling watched by someone'. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat to signal them that I already feel something wrong.

I cautiously looked around and saw two men in the corner of my eyes at the end of the street. I focused all my attention on them as I continued walking.

"Stop her! Detective, don't continue! Run back out now!" I suddenly heard Conan shout and for the first time ever, I heard a hint of worry on his voice.

Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader} [Detroit Become Human Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now