Chapter Two

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The morning of May 13th, 2017 was an extremely pleasant day in the Dursely Household. Being a Saturday Marie was able to wake up early to prepare Flora's Birthday breakfast while her Husband and Children soundly slept. As she was finishing the set up of sliced strawberries and a blueberry muffin she heard little feet padding into the kitchen.


She turned Catching her 5-year-old son Elm in her arms, "Hello, my little tree what are you doing up so early on a Saturday?" She kissed his head shifting him onto her hip and filling up a glass of orange juice for the breakfast tray.

He gave her a wide toothy grin and pushed his dirty blonde hair from his eyes, "It's Flora's Birthday!" he accepted the strawberry his mother offered, "Do you think she's gonna get the letter daddy talked to you about?"

Marie's attention moved from quickly from the drawer she was searching for birthday candles to her son, "Elm, how do you know about the letter?"

The young boy instantly became interested in the necklace hanging from his mother's neck a rosy blush arising over his freckled nose. He simply shrugged in response.

She quickly plopped him on the counter by the sink, "Elm Florence Dursely," She tilted his head up gently, "Were you snooping again?"

"Only a little Mama." was his mumbled response.

The woman sighed, "I will let you get away with it this time," She slid her youngest child onto the floor, "Now, go get your father so we can wake up Flora," a throat cleared and the two pairs of eyes shifted to the husband and father in the doorway smiling.

Dudely smiled fondly at his wife and son, "No need," He kissed his wife's temple and lifted his son onto his hip, "Now, let's go wake up our little flower."

Marie picked up the breakfast tray and followed Elm and Dudely up the stairs and they quickly paused outside the birthday girls room to light the yellow striped candle sticking out of the muffin before opening the door.


Young Flora was always known for her strong imagination and that carried into the night causing her to consistently experience lucid dreams. This one, however, was quite odd. In this dream, Flora was sat on a stool in front of a beautiful candlelit room that seemed, by the food covered tables in front of her, to be a dining hall of sorts. She looked around the room but it was almost as though she was the only one. However, she quickly turned her head to notice a small funny looking man holding a raggedy old hat. Turning back to the front she noticed two figures sitting at the green and silver clad table. They're faces smudged and blurred for some reason. In her curiosity, she decides to stand from the stool and make her way towards the blurry figures. As the distance closes she is able to make out the pale blonde hair of one and the unkempt black hair of the other. She stopped her movement when she stood directly on the other side of the table. Just as she was about to speak the pair turned their blurred faces towards her and spoke,

"Happy birthday to you-"


"Happy birthday dear Flora, Happy birthday to you!"

She peaked her eyes open to see her family standing by her bed with cheery looks on their faces. A smile broke unto her face and Elm cambered into her bed while she sat up.

"Good morning little twig," She breathed to her brother as she hugged him, "Morning Mama, Morning papa! Thank you so much." her mother set the breakfast tray on her lap and kissed her cheek whilst her father kissed her hair.

Her father leaned back and smiled adoringly at his doe-eyed daughter, "Well it's not everyday your young girl turns eleven now is it?" He gave a goofy grin, "Now make a wish before your muffin become a candle as well."

She giggled looking back towards the small flame and closed her eyes.

I wish for this year to be magical

As the flame went out it was almost as if the room itself became warm and alight with the wish.

Her mother lightly clapped gaining her attention, "All right love, eat up and get ready we're heading to your Nan and Pops very soon to spend the day with them."

Flora let out a small breathy laugh, "I know Mama. It's what we always do for birthdays," She quickly bit into her muffin nearly bursting with joy at the familiar taste.

"Don't worry love," Dudley began to lead his wife and son out of the room, "Even if we're late the moment Mum sets eyes on the kid's none of it will matter," The door closed behind the three and Flora smiled a dotty smile at where they once stood before indulging in her muffin once again.

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