Chapter 1: Vytal Festival

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Well, the next couple of weeks seemed to fly by. 

My team qualified for the Vytal tournament easily. Apparently, there was some arguing on whether or not I should be aloud to fight in the tournament. 

The argument started when the story of me ripping a robot in half reached the headmaster of Haven Academy. He was afraid I was too strong and might hurt one of his students. Fortunately, the other three headmasters came to my defense and it was ruled that I could complete. 

RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY also qualified. So, did CRDL surprisingly. I kinda hoped they get knocked out early. Muscle-headed morons. 

I was sitting under a tree cuddling with Velvet, who had her eyes closed and her head on my chest, when my scroll went off. 

"Ignore it." she said without opening her eyes. 

I looked at the screen. Sun. 

"Just Sun." 

I hit the button to stop the ringing and went back to playing with Velvet's hair. That went on for a couple seconds till Velvet's scroll went off. Followed by mine. I looked at the display. Neptune. She showed me hers. Sun. Ugh. 

"What do the idiots want?" I said. 

"Don't answer. It's too nice a day and I'm too comfortable to move." 


We both hit deny and went back to doing nothing. 

And then Lapis called me. 

And Ruby called Velvet. 

I groaned loudly. 

I answered. "What. Do. You. Want?" I asked, growling out each word with as much malice as I could. 

"About time. Sun's teammates are coming in few minutes and Sun wants us all there. He's throwing them a welcoming party. So get your hairy butt over here already." 

"What if I like where I'm at?"

"You can cuddle with Velvet under that big elm in the courtyard later." 

"How did you..." I stopped and sniffed the air. "CARLI!" I yelled. 

She appeared in a tree in front of us. "hey Ox. uh Lapis sent me to find you and I didn't...." 

She trailed off as I gave her a glare that would have killed a Death Stalker immediately, then turned and ran towards Beacon. 

Velvet sighed. "C'mon Ox. If we don't go, they're just going to keep calling us until we finally break." I really wanted to protest, but I knew she was right. 

We got up and headed back to the school.

When we got there, all of teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and the rest of my team were there. Sun seemed to be giddy. 

"I can't wait for you guys to meet Sage and Scarlet." he said. "Ox! You finally made it. Oh man, I can't wait for them to meet you. Scarlet thinks I'm lying about meeting a Mega Faunus. Hey Velvet." he said, almost too fast for me to make out. 

We went over to where Coco and Lapis stood. 

"So. Where were you two lovebirds exactly?" Coco asked. 

Velvet blushed. I turned to Lapis. "Ask your spy." 

Without missing a beat, she turned over to Carli. "Spy! Come here." 

Carli and Lazuli walked over. "Seriously Lapis? Spy?" 

"Duh! You're tiny and turn invisible." Carli blushed. 

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