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(Emily's POV)

I knew I was doing wrong. I knew I was way to young for this. I don't know why I do it though.

I fell asleep after me and jack.... you know. I woke up before jack and he was still bare naked in the bed. I went down stairs to grab a piece of paper. I wrote...

Dear Jack,
I had to leave sorry. Thank you for last night it was AMAZING! You are my heart and how can I live without my heart? Meet me under the bleachers after school tomorrow then I can talk to you. Again I love you so so so so so so much!!!!
                         Xoxo, Emily

I sat the note Down on my side of the bed and I got dressed this is what I chose to wear.

I walked outside to the driveway and I looked around and it was a beautiful day

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I walked outside to the driveway and I looked around and it was a beautiful day. I got into my Tesla and I drove to my apartment complex. I walked into my apartment and I Hadn't been there for like a week. I decided to school today.

     7 hours later

I went to Starbucks after school ended. I got my usual iced coffee order. As I sat and waited for my order to be done I got on to facebook and I went to Jack's page to see what he posted and what I found was not what I thought it would be....... Jack posted a pic of him and some girl. I was shocked, stunned, flabbergasted! Did he get a new girl? Did he hook up with someone else? I CAN NOT wait until tomorrow because I had a few things to say to him.

The next day

The clock was ticking. And there was 30 minutes left of school.
30 mins later
I was waiting under the bleachers for jack to come. And then finally he showed up. "Hey Emily" Jack said smiling. "How could you be smiling right now jack?!" I yelled. " woah woah woah whats wrong?!" Jack said. "Everything Jack everything!" I yelled. "Can you please explain to me whats going on?!" Jack said. "I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you." I continued "who's this girl in all your pictures on Facebook?" I said. "Jane? Jane is my new girlfriend Emily. I thought you broke up with me!" Jack yelled. I started to cry. "Really Jack! I gave you everything and you go and find another girl because your so thirsty! Leaving a note on your bed doesn't mean that I was breaking up with you!" I said I was balling at this point. "Honestly Emily I don't have anything to say to you." Jack said. "Ya you don't because you have another girl you can go fuck with all the time! Now if Jane wasn't ever there, you'd be trying as hard as you can right now to get me back!" I said. Jack walked towards me and put his hand on my cheek. I looked into his big brown eyes and he kissed me. I pulled away from him. " you can't do that Jack! You can't just kiss me and make it better! How about you go fuck your girlfriend Jane!" I said. Then I just walked away. Never dealing with Jack ever again. And the hardest thing of all was not looking back.

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