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(Emily's pov)

My friend jack invited me to a party tonight. I also really like him he lives across the street I decided to wear this for the party.

 I also really like him he lives across the street I decided to wear this for the party

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I'm supposed to leave for the party at 10:00 and it's 9:50. I locked my apartment door and went to the parking lot and got into my Tessla. It took me about 5 minuets to get to his house. When I got there I sat in my car for a minute because I was kinda scared. I mean this is only one of my few party's I've ever been to. There were people outside his house that were like SUPER drunk. I finally decided to get out of my car and I walked into his house and there were stereo lights, and drunk people, and people having a serious make-out session. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped back, and it was jack. "Your jumpy" said jack. "Ya I know. Awesome party by the way" I said back. "Thanks it's gonna be a killer night" "wanna go get a shot of tequila?" Jack said. "Uhhh..... I don't know jack...." I said. "Oh come on why don't you stop being so hard on your self!" Jack said. "Ok fine" I said smiling. He walked me over to the bar in his kitchen and there were a bunch of people taking shots. "Here you go" jack said smiling. "Thank you" I said taking the shot. Once I finished the shot jack looked at Me and said, "like it?" "Ya" I said even though I hated it. "Wanna go upstairs? I have something really dope to show you." Jack said. "Sure" I said. He grabbed my hand and walked me upstairs then we went into his bedroom and he shut the door and locked it. "What did you want to show me?" I said. " this" jack said. He walked over to the bed where I was sitting and he looked at me and kissed me. I was VERY unprepared for that. I laughed and looked at his beautiful brown eyes and I said, "jack..." I continued. "I really like you..." I said. "I like you to.... now where were we?" Jack said. "Just about here..." I said taking off jack's shirt. Jack bit his lip and smiled. I took off my high heels and Layed down his amazingly soft bed. Jack took off my jeans and he took off his black jeans and boxers, leaving me in my see through black thongs and black bra, and those didn't stay on long ethier. Jack took of my thongs and leaned me up and undid my bra. Jack looked at my bare body and he was very pleased. "Like what you see?" I said cutely. "Yes......yes I do...." Jack said. He leaned me down and kissed me to my lips and made his way down. He covered my neck in kisses finding my sweet spot, and I let out a small moan. I rolled him over giving me control. He looked at my chest in the middle of every kiss. He wanted control so, I let him have it. He rapidly moved his hips into mine and at that point we were practically taking turns moaning back.

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