With that, Eliza goes to make her exit. Jeremiah runs his hands over his face and takes a seat on the couch, "Welp."

Before Eliza walks out of the room, she stops and turns around to face her husband, "I don't know what's been going on with you lately, but I don't like it. You better figure it out and quick." Then she walks out leaving the man alone with his thoughts.


The Next Day

Alex and Kara come downstairs and makes their way into the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast before leaving for school. As they entered the kitchen, the girls can feel the tension in the room, it was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Kara leans closer to her sister and whispers, "What the hell happened between them?"

Alex shrugs, "I don't know the full story. Mom fell asleep on the couch while she was waiting on dad, then I caught dad trying to sneak back into the house early this morning." Alex says emphasizing trying. The blonde nods letting the older girl know she understands.

Eliza finally notices the two girls standing in the entryway of the kitchen, "Good morning sweethearts. Sit down so you can eat. We can't waste time this morning; I'm going to work early today. I gotta look over a few things and get some clarification." The girls take their usual seats at the table as their mother places their breakfast in front of them. They begin to eat and Eliza makes herself a plate, takes a seat, and begins to eat as well. Jeremiah is sitting at the head of the table with a newspaper in front of him...plate-less. Jeremiah shakes his head behind the newspaper and thinks to himself, she didn't make me any food. 

As Kara is eating, she can sense that someone is looking at her, so she turns her head in Jeremiah's direction catching him staring at her. He quickly looks back at his newspaper. Kara pushes up her glasses in confusion. As the girls are finishing up their breakfast, Kara can still tell Jeremiah was looking at her the entire time. She started to get weirded out, so she was the first to get up from the table.

Once everyone is finished, Eliza tells the girls to get their things for school and head to the car as she puts the dishes into the dishwasher. As the older woman is making her way out of the kitchen, not speaking a word to her husband, Jeremiah stands and stops her from leaving.

"Eliza, come on, talk to me. This is ridiculous. I told you where I was last night. Do you not trust me?"

"You didn't tell me where you were. Are you going to tell me the complete truth?"

"I told you where I was, honey."

Eliza lets out an emotionless laugh, "I smelt bullshit last night, and I'm smelling bullshit right now. Don't talk to me until you decide you're ready, to tell the truth. You and that couch are gonna become best friends because I can't sleep peacefully when there is the smell of bullshit surrounding me. Honestly, it's starting to stink up the house and I don't want that scent around my daughters, soooo, yeah. Bye." She makes her exit leaving behind a shocked Jeremiah.

Eliza walks outside to meet her daughters. Alex already turned her car on, so she hops into the driver's seat. Kara turns towards Eliza from her place in the passenger seat.

"Is everything okay, Eliza?" Eliza pauses while she's putting on her seat belt for a moment then continues to put the seat belt on.

"Everything is fine, sweetheart. Noting for you to worry about, I promise." The mother of two puts the car in reverse and backs out of the driveway.


Eliza pulls into the parking lot of the school and drives up to the curb by the front doors to let the girls out, "Have a good day. I'll pick you guys up this afternoon, love you."

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