chapter six: i [re-edited]

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"daehwi!" daehwi stopped upon hearing my voice.

slowly, he turned around and sent me a bright smile. he raised his hand, sending a wave, i returned a wave.

"hey." a sweet smile was plastered on his face.

for a moment, time had stopped. it was strange. i could feel butterflies flutter around in my stomach and my heart, it was racing. i sighed, patting my chest.

'stop, it's nothing' a smile formed on my face.

i caught up to daehwi. he was telling me more stories about his friends.

"and so-"

i glanced at him as he continued to talk. he would always smile when talking about his friends and unconsciously i began to smile.

i glanced at his face, i couldn't help myself. he was beautiful. the way his eyes formed a crescent moon shape when he smiled or laughed made my heart pound. the way his lips curved up into a smile revealing his healthy teeth made my cheeks ever so rosy. then had i realized something.



sunshine; lee daehwi x reader [undergoing editing]Where stories live. Discover now