Makeshift Chemistry

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A/N: Hey, I'm back. I've gone through lots of shit so I didn't exactly have any time to write I Hope You Catch Me. I'm going to be starting a new fanfiction with some of IHYCM's plot. All in all it's going to be a mostly revised version with a different take on it (the plot will move a whole lot faster, trust me). Takes place during Kansas (3x20). I'll try to update this fanfiction as soon as I can, promise.


"So yeah I pulled the plug but
I swore the spark would still be there
Buried beneath the promises and lies"


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For saving me."

Emma's lips curved into a small small. "Don't thank me, it was the right thing to do."

Hook approached her cautiously, all of a sudden taking interest at the white linoleum flooring of the hospital. He smirked a bit at the notion of her doing it because it was the "right thing". If she wanted to do the right thing she would have left him there and gone after Zelena instead. Not only did she show that she truly cared about him, but also that he for some reason was deemed more important to her than everyone else. One minute she's at his throat, the next she's begging for him to stay. Emma was quite the challenge.

"Yes of course, the right thing," He said uninterested, staring blankly at the ground. "I presume you won't be taking out Zelena with your ability in making the best decisions." Hook peered up at her, looking for an expression on her unreadable face.

"I won't be needing magic, Killian," Emma frowned, knowing all too well that Zelena was going to succeed if she didn't find out a solution to this soon enough.

"How do you plan on defeating her then?" Killian's demeanor changed into one Emma didn't see very often. One of guilt. She eyed him curiously, watching his eyes glaze over, his body losing it's usual confident posture and his usual upturned lips turned downwards. He was definitely losing hope, but it still didn't explain why he seemed so guilty. A pirate's feelings wasn't at the top of her priorities though, she'd talk to him later or it'd work itself out exactly how it usually does with him. Never mind all that, the most important thing at the moment was how she would defeat Zelena now that she didn't have her magic. Honestly, it was pretty much futile. All of the planning and training was essentially in vain because she had feelings for a certain pirate with a hook for a hand. Wait, what? For the love of god, no matter how hard Emma tried to get Killian out of her mind, he always wound up finding his way back into it. There wasn't much point trying to come up with a solution to an tricky dilemma anyway, especially with thoughts of a man named Killian Jones racing through her brain. Yeah, it was all his fault that Zelena was going to win. Of course it was. Killian and his stupid face.

All that Captain Hook hate was going to have to wait for another time though because David came zipping past them yelling something along the lines of, "Hurry up you two idiots, they took my son!"

A wave of guilt rushed across Killian's face. Now he was starting to worry her, it's as if the word guilt was written all over his face in permanent marker. Something was clearly wrong with him. Emma wasn't going to waste any time with it, there were bigger problems at the moment. Either way, she still felt rotten for not bothering to ask him what was wrong, or not so much as even thinking of what could be so bad that would be plaguing him with this much guilt. So she trudged along, tugging at his sleeve to motion for him to run down the empty halls of the hospital with her.

They raced across the lobby of the hospital, their shoes squeaking on the shiny white floor. The door opened automatically and as the pirate and the savior both stepped outside, a gust of wind rushed up to meet them. Emma sighed in relief, unlocking the door of her car. She plopped herself down onto the driver's seat, while Killian did the same on the other side. Soon enough they were zooming out of the hospital parking lot and on their way to where Zelena was.

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