Chapter 2

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Basil pov
"Dare. I ain't no wuss" I say boldly
"You're obviously not a good grammar student either" Sabrina mumbles, we all roll our eyes
"Ok, I dare you to take a shot of hot sauce" Pinocchio says. I gulp. "Ok" I walk downstairs and grab the hot sauce and a shot glass. I take the stuff up stairs. Then I run downstairs again and grab the milk. When I get back there, the hot sauce is already in the shot glass. I grab the glass and immediately drink it. My eyes start watering, and I'm downing the milk carton. My sisters don't look happy with me, especially Sabrina. After my mouth isn't pouring out lava, I ask puck. If he says truth, which I know he won't, I'll ask him about his feelings for Brina. If he says dare, which I know he will, I'll tell him to touch noses with brina for 5 minutes.

Puck's POV
There's no way around this. I'm going to have to humiliate myself no matter what. I'm just going to say dare and hope that this isn't going to be too bad. "Dare" I say uncertainly he smiles mischievously. "I dare you to touch noses with Sabrina for fiiiive whole minutes." He says, smirking. I rolled my eyes. How did I know? Since Grimm is already rubbing my head, I don't have to move much, but touching noses with her is uncomfortable for 2 reasons. Reason number one, I'm touching her nose with my nose and number two, she's rubbing my head and she can't stop until her next turn. So while we're touching noses, she still has to rub my head. I might as well ask her a question or give her a dare so she doesn't have to rub my head anymore. I turn to her and gently put my nose on hers and ask "Grimm, truth or dare?"

Sabrina's POV
"Grimm, truth or dare?" He asks me. A million thoughts are racing through my head. If I say dare, I have no idea what he'll make me do. If I say truth I have no idea what nonsense he's gonna ask me. I have to touch noses with puck for. Five. Minutes. Straight. Can I stop rubbing his head now that it's my turn? Did I just feel a bug in his hair? Ok. Truth? Dare? Truth? Dare? Ughhhh I don't know! "Truth?" I squeak out. He gives me soft smile of reassurance like he's not gonna torture me. "What's your favorite color?" He asks me "booooooooo boooooringgggg!" Daphne shouts. "It's a question isn't it?" Puck states. I softly smile at him "purple" I say softly while removing my hands out of his hair. He frowns just a bit, like he enjoyed me rubbing his head. "Now. Daphne? Truth or dare?" I say. Looking Puck straight  in the eye, (because he's the only one I can look at right now) smirking evilly.

Truth or dare (puckabrina. Obviously)Where stories live. Discover now