4: I will tell you later...

Depuis le début

"Let me guess... Soppy romance?" Tris grumbled as he took a bite out of his pizza.

"Just you wait and see..." I spoke as a smirk tugged at the corners of my lips.

"Anyone want a drink?" I asked as I gathered four glasses.



"Yes please."

"What do you guys want?"


"Water please"

"Same as them please."

I giggled to myself, probably looking like a mentally crazed fucktard... Yea that happens a LOT... Just saying...

"Ok Brooks, what's funny?"

"Just wandering where Tristan's manners where that's all..."

I handed out all the glasses as I saved Tristan's for last.

"Thank you m'lady..."

I laughed at his 'manners' and took my glass and pizza box into the living room and jumped onto the sofa, spreading out my legs.

James walked in first and saw how I was sat as he took a seat on the other three seated along with Tristan.

But when Brad came in, he had that smirk on his face and he just lifted up my legs, sat down and placed my legs resting on top of his.

It's then I looked at everyone's pizzas and realised I was the only one who had ordered large... Again this happens to me a lot... Why don't I know people who eat more than me?


"Yes Dee?"

"I feel fat!"


"Well, you have a small pizza and these two idiots have medium. Whereas me, the lady, has a fucking large!"

"Well your going to eat it all anyway so what's the problem?"

"Jems! Your not helping!"

"Ok! Ok! Stop! Brad throw a pillow at Dee. James, show the girl the DVD's!"

I stood up before Brad could hit me as I saluted to Tris.

"Aye aye cap'n Tris!"

I then slid along the floor and suddenly jumped up.


James looked at me again, this time out of surprise.

"Don't turn on a movie yet! I haven't chosen. I'll be like 2 secs!"

I ran out of the living room towards the front door as I rummaged through my bag for what I was looking for. I looked up to see the front door was still open, so I locked it and made my way to the bathroom.

I didn't say anything as I skipped into the living room like a 5 yeas old. I then casually sat down and looked through James's movies.

"This is a new one Dee!"

I then threw my hood up and turned to look at James and he just burst out laughing as did Brad and Tris.

"Well... I though that since it's cold, I would bring my monkey onesie to get changed into. And now I'm staying over... Well it's the perfect time to wear it!"

"Oh my gosh! Dee? I have the exact same onesie!"

I turned to Brad as I gasped.

"What? For real?"

"Yea! We can be twins! And guess what?"

"What? What? What?"

"I bought mine too!"

"Oh my! James you have the BEST band mates in the whole world!" I probably seemed a bit to enthusiastic as I added in some hand motions there...

Tris leant forward and placed his hand on my forehead.

"What are you do-"

"No fever... James... Is your friend high?"

Brad laughed as he stood up and disappeared out of the living room.

"Do you guys want to get into a onesie before I put the movie on?"

Tristan leaped up, making me jump and started shouting.


I started giggling again... Tris must be right... I swear I'm high or something.

Minutes later Tris walked in, followed by a very... Handsome...(shush feelings!)... Bradley Will Simpson.

I jumped up and ran over to Brad grabbing his arms and dancing like a complete maniac. Tris joined in and I managed to haul James off of his arse and forced him to join in.

"So. Now we are all ready.... We ca-"

"Wait! Jems?"

"Yea Dee?"


"Hold on!"

He walked out and minutes later came back with three blankets.

"Here. You two share this one and me and Tris will have one each."

"Are you sure you don't want to share with Tris James? You might need a cuddle buddy..."

"No... I'm good thanks... Just put the film on!"

One thing you should know about me... I LOVE horror films! Like the moment a soppy romcom is turned on, I want to throw up... Am I like the only girl? Well except The Fault in our Stars... There's only one time that I cried more than I did for that film... It was intense! Like seriously!

I heard Tris moan as the menu came up.

"Paranormal Activity?"

"It's secretly a romcom Tris. You might like it! And anyway... paranormal activity 4!" I giggled as I pressed play and moved a little closer to Brad under the blanket.

Half way through the film and James was asleep. How? I have no idea. How can anyone sleep with creepy music playing in the background. And at like 8pm!

I felt Brad place an arm around my shoulder and I let my head rest in the crook of his neck.

Oh wait! It was pretty easy to fall asleep with creepy music in the background... Especially if you were cuddling with Bra- no! Destiny... Stop it!

Just don't think about him. Don't let him break your walls...

Don't let him in too easily...

Brad's AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant