namjoon, unintended too.

i open the door and get in before i tap the number of hoseok,

"shit." i immediately end it when i remember how horrible he is when he was drunk, he doesn't have a high tolerance.

I started the engine and put my headset on my ear, waiting for jimin to accept the call.

"what?" he groans on the line,

"where are you?"

"why?" i heard a muffle sounds on the other line as i heard him curse.

"what's that?" he curse again.

"n-nothing, i'm exercising, dammit."

"can you go with me? the same bar."
i ignore what he says, he became silent for a while before he spoke,

"i can't - ahh, shit babe - " i ended the call before i heard the unwanted gross moans of that jerk.

exercising? probably in bed.

"m-master" i glared at my bodyguard when he start to talk.

"open the damn gate and shut your mouth." he seems doubtful but he wince when he look at me,

"your dad might get angry," he look at me, almost pleading because i know dad will fired him if he let me go,

"i don't care, he can't find out if you shut your mouth and open the goddamn gate! open it or i will fire you right now, right here. Now, choose!" i reprimand, making him panicked.

"go home right away master - please." he almost on the verge of crying, i nodded my head and look away, cleaning my jaw.

he looks like shit

i drove my car fast when the gate opened.

i hate it when someone shows their weakness on me.


i stared at the sky were the million stars was shining onto it, the winds blowing my bangs yet i didn't mind it,

i stirred the wine on my glass and let out a sigh,

i want this -

i want this kind of life were there's no chaos, just peace.

i'm sure i couldn't sleep after what happened on the dinner,

the memory is still vivid,

when we were just a kid, my sister - nana and i always doing the best in school just to empress our parents, even though they're always busy in business.

i always focus on my studies when i was a little kid just to empress them and make them proud,

i didn't enjoy playing like others kids do, our father even practiced us riding a horse, how hold a gun, and taekwondo for our self protection. my childhood friends, hoseok, jimin, namjoon,seokjin,Yoongi and - my best dude jeonkook was taught too.

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