The guy who never loved - a ragsan mystery : 13

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Hey guys !! hope Im  posting after a long time but still I thought my loyal readers would be supporting me with my story nearing the climax...Please let me know if You all expect another Ragsan story..for I can come up with another Ragsan Im just enjoying every bit of writing a FF on this couple..

The episode starts with Sanky disconnecting the call ...He just realises how he can disclose such a huge loss and make up a happy moment for lucky....

Sanky: Whenever I felt broken or confused dadi was always there by my side..I feel so abandoned today..with lucky as my best friend Ive been pushed to a suitation where I cant even share what's pricking my heart now...

Unknown : What's pricking your heart now ?? 

He turns behind finding ragini..

Sanky: Obvious..too obvious...I expected you will keep clinging to you on real regret for dadi's loss?? doesnt seem so ragini...please for god sake get the hell out of here..

Ragini: Is there anything left?? how cheap you've turned sanky..even a care seems like lust and obsession for you..have some holy thoughts sanky..and clean the garbage of your stinks...!!

Sanky: Aww..ragini mata!! enough of your advice..jaa yahan se..trying to sound righteous huh??bullshit!!

Ragini: This is my house..if someone is leaving..then it shoud be...(she pauses..and in a haste she's let a wrong word)

Sanky: "It should be me!!" wah ragini..not bad've showed your so called social are trying to hurt my self esteem ..(sighs heavily..) 

Ragini: I didnt mean..

sanky cuts in ..

Sanky: "you did!!"thankyou ragini..You've showed im just a mere guest and not a family member..moreover I belong outside the mansion and not in..

ragini: whatever...lets keep it simple sanskaar....because there is a necessity now..

Sanky: what is that lame necessity?

Ragini: first accept my stranger agreement..then lets discuss..

Sanky: I dont speak with strangers..

Ragini: But I do with...(sighs) with lucky's friend..

Sanky: ahhh.. swara..

Ragini: haan swara called me..

Sanky: hope you didnt do the stupidity of telling about the suituation here..

Ragini: I do have brains..

Sanky: Doesnt seem so..

Ragini: stop your...nonsense..Its tomorrow ..I meant their wedding..please try to act everything is normal between us..I dont want lucky or swara to be sad on their wedding day..

Sanky: Neither do I ..

Ragini: Glad..

Sanky: good for you..

Ragini: bye..

Sanky leaves ..

Next day at the temple..

swara looks clad in her dark red saree with her ghungat on she looks no less than an angel descended from heaven..Laksh couldnt help taking his eyes off her..Sanky is on a call while his phone slips accidentally and falls down....someone holds it..just before the display crashes to a million of pieces..He lifts his sight and finds her...

Sanky's POV:

Is she really aware of what she's doing to me ..wearing such a saree..everyone in the world wears such saree..but what is making her stand out of the it those sapphire blue eyes..or is it those lips that lures me to kiss her...or that waist ..wait I cant call it a waist ..its like my sixth many times should I warn her not to wear these outfits with me near hard its to resist my feelings for she tempting me??!!! no way!!!I called her brainless..its 200% right...she can never find what's cooking in my mind..

The guy who never loved- a Ragsan & Swalak mysteryWhere stories live. Discover now