it shouldn't end up like this

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Mike's side

Mike: Max I'm going to get us out of here, just believe me, I'll save us-

Max: you don't have to Mike, you know when I met you I fell in love with you, but I told myself that it wasn't real and that I shouldn't, I made myself believe that I was in love with Lucas, but I wasn't. And when we started dating I felt like I was finally happy, and that's what I wanted to be, always. I wanted to find happiness, and I found it. I loved and still love the moments when you were happy, when we were happy. Seeing you smile was the thing that made my day better. I just wish that I could hug you one last time.

I started crying just because the thought of us not being together, was just killing me. But I still kept on trying to get us out of there, and I almost got it when-

Max: it's ok mike I love you,

She smiled and said

Max: You can kill me now,


They went next to her and cut her throat.

Mike: MAX!

they left and I finally got out of the chair that I was taped to.

Mike: MAX, no , Max I love you

She took a last breath and said

Max: I love you too mike, I've always did

And died. My tears were falling extremely fast. I couldn't believe it. I ran so fast to the closest telephone and called the police. They came back and they didn't got anything out of me, I just couldn't speak after what happened, all I could do was nod my head to say yes or no. They've tried to catch the killer but it was too late. And when they did, they didn't got any information of why he did that, from him. I went home and I cried all day, I couldn't eat or sleep without thinking of what just happened. Even tho I went out with my friends but I was quiet and they knew why...

Wow well, I bet you all didn't see this coming, there will be a next part when you'll get to know why she was killed. Also yeah I know it's kinda crazy but I hope you still love it, I mean I wanted to do it my way so it won't be just a love story about break ups and cheating or jealousy. Have a great day !

I Wish I Could Know It Sooner|[COMPLETED]MadWheeler/Byler (Love story ff)Where stories live. Discover now