Chapter 5

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|Mike pov|

After I caught Vic staring at Kellin I couldn't help but to ask. And know that I have my answer I know I should meddle in his business but it's for his own good if I can somehow bring the two together then maybe it'll give Vic a reason to want help and get better. I haven't told anyone yet if these plans but I probably will have to if I want to actually succeed with this. Plus I know it's not going to be easy.

However I did notice a chance in Vic the last few days. He seems I don't know more withdrawn from us, like more than usual. I don't think its anything to worry about at the moment, however if it continues then I'll say something. Right now I wanna see if Tony and Jaime will agree to my plan. I'm not completely insensitive I'm not going to tell Kellin, then I know Vic will be mad; but Tony and Jaime are our brothers so he can't get to mad about that. He'll thank me one day for this. I know it.

So in a way it's good he's not engaged in what we're doing, cause this gives me a chance to tell them my plan without worrying that he'll hear. We're not really doing anything out of the ordinary, we're playing our usual games. But I pause so I get their attention.

"What the hell Mike!" Tony shouts.

"Listen I need your guys help with something" I say almost whispering. Even though I know he's upstairs I don't want him to over hear in case he leave his room for the bathroom or something.

"Like what? And why are you whispering?" Jaime asks chiming in.

"Well first lower your voices I don't want Vic to hear, since it's about him ok—"

"Really what now" Tony says.

"One minute and I'll tell you... ok well the other day I caught Vic watching Kellin from is window, you know what he does, anyway when I asked him about he confessed that he likes Kellin—"

"so we like him too" Jaime interrupts me.

"I mean likes him"


Anyway I have a plan to try and get them together, cause Vic needs motivation to get help and if he had Kellin then maybe he'll be more willing you get what I'm saying"

"But Mike doesn't that seem mean though" Tony asks.


"Well to get him in a relationship for the soul purpose to get him help? Like that's not exactly a good reason, he need to want the help not be forced into it" Tony goes on.

"Get that Tony, but it's let's be real here this is Vic, he won't do it on his own, he needs a push in the right direction and if Kellin can push him he'll be more willing from him than from any of us" I tell him.

"Yeah but I still have concerns that this will backfire on us and then who knows what'll happen, he could get worse" Tony states.

"Yeah but it's worth a shot don't you think?" I ask.

"I don't know, I need to think about it" he says.

"Jaime what do you think?" I ask him.

"Honestly I see both your points but I have to agree with Tony on this one, if it backfires he could be in a worse position than now, let's just all think this over and we'll tell you what we think when we come up with and agreement ok" he says.

"Wow ok I wasn't expecting this, fine be like that" I say grumpily.

"We're not saying that it's a completely a bad idea there's just some things to work out, we're just thinking of Vic and having his best interest in mind, ok" Tony says softly to me trying to reason.

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