Chapter 2

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Mike, Jaime and Tony woke up early to go to school I was up with them as they leave, and I ate breakfast with them as well. I watched them as they walked like usual. I then saw the boy across the street walk out of his house, today he was wearing skinny jeans with a top and a jacket, he also had on a flower crown, and boots on. He was carrying his backpack and was walking in the same direction as my brothers, he had a phone out and using earbuds it looks like. I wish I at least knew his name. Sure I was watching him more since I think he's cute.

Yesterday, they were here a while then I heard the door close shut so I peeked out my window and I saw the two new people leave the house. I couldn't get the courage to ask who they were so I ignored the fact they were here, so I wouldn't end up embarrassing myself, Sure it's only my family but even though there the only people I kinda talk too I still don't talk all that much since I don't usually have anything to say. Plus they like to talk with each other more. Sure I feel left out a lot but that's ok I'm used to it.

But enough of that I better get going on my school work so I don't fall behind on it. I log onto my computer and go into my school stuff. I actually like doing my school stuff this why. It's so much more interesting since I don't have people to be distracting and I can read and learn at my own pace. Granted I've never even stepped foot into a high school but I hear a lot about what goes on from my brothers so I have a good understanding of it.

"Vic sweetie I'm heading to work ok" I hear mama say to me.

"Ok mama see you later" I say to her. Then I hear the door close again and she's on her way.

I know mama is sad that I'm like this, because we haven't really seen any of our extended family in years unless they come over which is rare, and mama doesn't want me to feel guilty or anything so we just haven't really gone anywhere in a long time. The same goes with vacations too. I do feel bad though I'm just a burden on my family cause of the way I am, so fucking scared to leave this house.

Once I'm done with my school work, I decide to clean the house, since there's not much else to do. Once that's done I head to the living room to watch television and look out the window like usual. This is just my typical day.


| Jaime pov|

We're on our way to school walking into the building and drowning the day away here. Lucky Vic gets to stay home. Though it's not really, like I get that it's a serious problem he has but that doesn't mean that I understand completely what it is or how it's possible. But it's whatever, Tony and I go to our class, while Mike goes to his. We sit with our friends Tyler, Josh, Tino and Arron. We all have pretty much the same schedule with the exception of a like two classes each. At lunch we meet up with them all again and Mike and his friends, Alan, Alex and Jack. When Kellin comes up to us. I did notice him in the halls earlier.

But now that it's the end of the day we're all now walking home, we're even with Kellin just talking and asking him how his first day went and all that. He's nice we asked him if he's made any friends yet. He shook his head, but said us and we thought that it was good enough. Mike invited him over again, he agreed since he'd be home alone while his brother is at school and mom is at work.

So we all walk in and head to the kitchen to raid the fridge. Huh, looks like Vic cleaned the house again. I shrug and speak of the devil, there he his.

"Hey Vic" I say. He didn't say anything, I guess since Kellin's here. But I see he's about to run away again.

"Wait Vic stay and meet Kellin, he lives across the street and he's your age too" I say. He stops and turns around and waves at Kellin.

"Hi" Kellin says to him, then he runs back up the stairs. Tony and I sigh at the same time.

"Did I do something?" Kellin asks.

"No, he's really shy and scared of people he doesn't know" Mike says to Kellin.

"Oh, why?" Kellin asks.

"Have you heard of agoraphobia?" Tony says to him. Kellin shook his head.

"Well basically he scared of leaving the house so he's always here, it's hard for him but it's been so long that we're all just used to it now"

"Wow never heard of that, is he ok?" He says cautiously.

"Oh yeah, he's fine just has a lot of fears and insecurities, he saw a therapist but she was fed up with him and quit on him and ever since he's been reluctant to see another" Mike says to him.

"What a bitch" Kellin states.

"Yeah unfortunately, I don't remember much since it was when I was 8 so" I say.

"Wow that long?"

"Yeah..." I say sighing again.

"But he's real nice and quite smart once he used to being around you and is comfortable speaking around you, just gotta be patient ya know he'll come around don't worry" I say to him and Mike and Tony agree.

"Well what should we do, we got the snacks so it's video games or Netflix" Mike says changing the subject.

I can tell Kellin is interested in knowing Vic. Since he was asking about him. And no one asks about him. Most people in our neighborhood don't even know he exists to be honest, or they forgot about him. As long as Kellin keeps coming around often, then Vic should be used to his presence and open up a bit around him. We ended up with video games since it was more interesting in the long run so Tony's setting that up for three people. We only have three controllers so. As you can tell Vic never plays, with us but he will occasionally watch.

We try and include him as much as possible but he likes to be by himself, and we can't force him otherwise he'll start freaking out, so there's only so much we can do, but he has to want the help and do it.

As we're playing in the middle of a Star Wars game, obviously Tony put it in, Mike looked over to the stairs and soon we all did and there was Vic watching us silently.

"You can come over here you know?" Mike says to him. He just shakes his head.

"Vic, Kellin's not going to hurt you or anything there's nothing to be afraid of it's just us" Mike goes on.

"Y-you sure?" Vic said.

"Yeah" Mike says calmly.

Then he stands there for a few minutes, and soon walks over and sits on the couch away from us all but he's still here so that's a huge deal. We go back to our game. Kellin was losing, Tony is winning and me I'm just trying, in the middle. Just then Kellin speaks up.

"Hey Vic, you wanna play?" He says to Vic, offering the controller he was using. Vic looks so surprised, but shakes his head frantically.

"He never plays with us" Tony told Kellin. 

"Why?" Kellin asks.

"He doesn't like video games" Tony shrugs.

"That's not fair, you guys should do something that he likes to do as well?" Kellin says to us.

"Yeah, cause reading is a group activity?" Mike jokes.

"Huh?" Kellin sighs.

"Well we mostly ever see him do is read" Mike says.

"Well that can't be true, Vic, would you like to do anything with us?" He asks him. I look over to him and he's overwhelmed by the looks of it. He doesn't say anything to answer Kellin, but stands and runs up the stairs.

"Wait, Vic don't run away..."

"It's not use Kellin" I say.

"What do you mean it's no use?"

"He's just not sociable" I tell.

"You guys suck, you think that just cause he does this means he's not social, he most likely wants to be included with you guys just has a hard time tell you guys" Kellin says to us.

"Look Kellin, you think we don't already know that, I think we know him better than you do" Mike says.

"Can I talk to him?" He asks.

"Sure, but don't expect him to talk to you back" Mike says. Then Kellin walks up the stairs.

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