Part 2- sister

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Ashley and "Millie" quickly ran out the house to the nearby bus stop. There was no need for a letter to the parents saying that they where going out but Ashley did send a message saying that they where going out to town, and they both hoped dad wouldn't come home early, and then they both got out there £2 for a ticket to town. After 10 minuets the bus arrived and they stepped on to pay for a ticket. Afterwords the bus driver said. Thank you young ladies. Ashley and Millie looked at each other and held in a giggle. This cover actually worked. Jon really did look like a girl and they where tricking everyone. Even though Ashley let her " sister" keep those clothes, millie still wanted to buy new ones so they wondered towards the clothes shop in the mall. Millie picked out a cute summer dress and some panties and a bra. Ashley ,being a typical girl, brought more clothes (to make up for the ones she gave her brother of corse)
They where both quite hungry after walking around the mall for a bit so they thought about going to the local subway just 5 minuets away from the mall. So the two "girls" walked over there when Millie saw Steven from "her" Maths class, Steven was a massive bully and had a thing for Ashley so luckily, he never bullied Jon as he knew that Jon was well protected by his popular sister. He saw Ashley and happily jogged over too her. "Hey Ashley how are you doing, weird seeing you here huh" he anxiously asked "yeah I'm doing fine, and no not really, it's a small town" she didn't like him as she was really friendly and nice to people and the two where opposites.  "Ehhhh who's this girl, she's pretty cute heh" Millie mentally laughed. The biggest bully in Jon's year just called his female persona cute. "This is my cousin Millie from London" Jon/Millie just nodded, fearing that he will realise he's got a masculine voice. Or even worse, recognise Jon's voice. After a few more sentences they parted ways. Jon/Millie and Ashley then continued on to subway and then bordered the bus( with there uneaten sub in hand)
On the bus back, Ashley and her brother where giggling over what happened today. Where Steven called Millie cute and multiple people addressed her as girl and none as boy. Today was a big success and all already planned more trips out in the future. The bus stopped just outside there house to see there dad and step mums car parked outside...

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