Blue zone part 1

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The photo above is Kareena Guertena in the blue zone and pretend the rose she's holding is white

Kareena's POV

After we jump into the painting the next thing I see is a long blue hallway that stretches out left and right, and on the wall of each side is a painting of a blue and red sea with a few rock spires

"Kareena?" I look down to my side to see ib looking at me curiously "What is it ib?" I ask her "You look weird" "'Weird', what do you mean?" I ask her "Your outfit and your eyes." she gestures at me

I look down at myself and see that I'm wearing a long blue dress with matching shoes and my hair is at my knees which the color is black but then transitions to blue near the end. I begin to wonder something "Ib, what color are my eyes?" "Dark blue" Ib replies "hmm, I think I see a pattern." "Well Ib, we're not in the gallery anymore so there's only one thing to do." "And what is that Kareena?" Ib asks me

I answer her "Press on and look for a way out. Hopefully, we'll find someone who knows where the exit is."

Narrator POV

Kareena and Ib look to see two paths going left and right.
"Let's go this way Ib." Kareena and Ib go down the right hallway. Along the hallway walls is the word come in light blue all over the wall. Kareena and Ib look at the wall with unease, they continue down the hall.
At the end of the hall, they come across a blue door which is blocked by a stool and on the stool is a white and red rose in a vase.

Kareena pushes the stool aside and starts to go toward the door but looks back at the roses with a thoughtful expression. 'Hm I don't know why but somethings telling me that I and ib should take these'
"pretty" Kareenas train of thought shattered the moment Ib talked. She looked to see Ib already holding the red rose close to her. Kareena then takes the white rose out of the vase and upon taking the rose she feels a sense of relief pass over her.

"Cmon Ib let's see what's past this door." Kareena and Ib approach the door. Kareena grand the doorknob turns it and opens the door. The room is small with a painting of a woman with a small smile with her long gray hair hanging out of the frame. In the middle of the room is a blue key.

"Ib stay at the door." Kareena says as she goes to grab the key. As soon as she grabs the key she hears Ib let out a small scream.
"Ib what's wrong!?" Kareena turns her head to look at the frightened girl. Ib lifts a shaky finger and points ahead of her. Kareena turns her head to look at the other side of the room to see something frightening.

The girl in the painting's eyes are wide open showing no light or color and her smile was wide open spreading from one side to the other. Kareena immediately gets up and runs with Ib to the door quickly opening and closing it.

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