A bitter truth

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It broke me down...

I was called Illegitimate child...

Anyone in this situation will break down like hell... I was no exception.

That single word is enough for anyone to get shattered..to turn their world upside down. He make them feel they are a mistake? I was feeling the same things.

I came to India to find my roots..
But this was not what I expected!!
Never in my Wildest dreams I thought my world will shatter like this!!

Before knowing all this , At least I had an Identity!!

He found out that he's the Step Brother of Viraj Singh Rathor!!!

When this Truth came out those bitter words by Viraj & Gayatri Buaji were killing him inside...

He was was totally shattered but he collected himself , controlling all the overwhelming emotions he went back to his house...

Nisha was witnessing all this ...

But she had nothing to say...

She was feeling bad for Kabir...

When Kabir came back home.. Nisha followed him!!

He was silent all the time...But then aftr reaching their room..Kabir opened up about his feeling...He broke down...and cried...

He was crying vulnerably...

Nisha can not see him like this...
He was the same Kabir who makes her laugh in any and every kind of situation...

He was the same person who is in fun mood every time but this time he was so badly hurt that he was literally crying, alot...

"What is my fault in all this???
What hav I done???
Why me???"
Kabir was asking himself

He felt a hand on his shoulder...
Yes it was his wifey Nisha..

Its been a more than a week when they got married!!

A three month contract marriage but they are best frnds , they care they share...

They Fight , they Laugh...
Everything was so good...

There bonding was becoming even more stronger with each day...

Days are going so smoothly ..
Until the day came when that bitter truth came in open...

Precap: Nibir emotional convo & a Lil romance *__*


To be continued...

When The Truth Came In Open(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now