Jon was taken aback. "Me? Is that why you wouldn't talk to me during all last week?" Don nodded, taking back the amulet and putting it back on. "Wait," Jon said. "Have I been sleepwalking?! I mean whenever I was sleeping that is."

Don laughed. "No... no you haven't been sleepwalking." He took a sip of his tea. "4 days ago, I fell asleep in my bed thinking you or Locket were just pulling a prank on me... But I was oh so wrong. It spoke to me Jon. This thing... It spoke with a voice even more unsettling than Beasty's. And it wouldn't stop smiling at me, like if there was some joke I wasn't getting. It asking me to play with it... I'm honestly scared."

"...and you think the amulet is causing this thing to appear?" Jon asked. Don set down his tea cup onto the floor. "I think so... but I tried putting it away for a night, and it still showed up. I don't know what to do Jon..."

Jon walked over and pulled the amulet off of Don, before shoving into his pocket. "Well, there's only one way to find out. Come with me."

Don reluctantly followed Jon back to his house. Inside, Jon set a small sleeping bag beside his bed and hung up the amulet onto the wall. "There we go! Now hopefully, this should work."

Don looked curiously at Jon's set up, before realizing what he was doing. "No! No, Jon! You really don't want to see this thing! Just let me go home and we can talk in the morning!"

Jon sat down in his bed. "Look, trust me. I've had worse dreams. Let me help you, okay?" Don stared at Jon for a moment, and lied down in his sleeping bag. "If you say so Jon... sleep well..." Don instantly fell asleep. "Heh," Jon said turning out his light. "I'll try... I just have to try... not... to dream..."


Jon opened his eyes and saw nothing. He was floating through inky blackness. Where was he? "Okay," he thought as he drifted along. "So this is new... hopefully I can find Don in here... wherever this is."

Jon drifted through this nothingness for what seemed like an eternity. The silence was killing him. "C'mon Don... where are you?"

"Heh heh heh..."

Jon suddenly heard laughter from behind him. He spun around and saw them. The creature.

Don was right for mistaking this as Jon. This thing almost looked exactly like him, jester outfit and all, but it was gray scale and transparent. And it's face... It's face was the thing of nightmares. It's mouth was in a permanent grin, showing off it's sharp teeth. It's eyes were blood red, with purple pupils; the only color on this thing. It's voice was menacing, yet it was also playful. It was the audio equivalent of  a serial killer toying with it's victim.

This thing was circling Don, taunting him. Laughing at him and asking him "Wanna play?" Don held his hands over his ears muttering something to himself. 

Don opened his eyes and met eyes with his friend. "...Jon?" he whispered. "Don!!!" Jon gasped as he tried to drift towards towards him. 

The ghostly jester made a loud cracking sound as it suddenly turned it's head towards Jon. "Is that a new playmate I see?"  It spoke without opening it's mouth or changing expression. Don's eyes widened as he looked back at the creature and then Jon. "No! No, no ,no!!! Jon get out of here!!!"  The ghost began to lunge at Jon.

@Destroyer0p: Here, take this!

Don looked down at his hands and saw he was holding a gun. It was black, and had quite a bit of ammo. It was marked "AK's AK-47". Don had no idea who AK was, let alone why an asker would give him a gun.

Ask the Jons! (DISCONTINUED) (A Multiverse Story/Ask or Dare Book)Where stories live. Discover now