Chapter 4

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Dinner was very awkward. My mum and Barbara were talking away about how they're always there for eachother after the traumatic robbery.

"The burglars vandalised the whole house; it isn't safe to live there blah blah blah..."

I was busy thinking about Brian. What if he thought I was crazy? What if he hated me? I kissed him on the cheek. I barely even know him. He barely knows me. He was looking down at his food but not really eating it. I didn't know if he was angry at me or if he was just upset about his house.

Then he smiled whilst still looking down. His smile was adorable. After seeing him look pretty miserable most of the time, I loved seeing him smile. When he was looking at my bass, he seemed absolutely fascinated and I really wanted to know more about him and the music he liked.

I excused myself from the table. I didn't know what to do; I felt so happy that Brian was here because he was someone I could finally talk to, but what if he did hate me?

I grabbed my bass from where Brian had left it on the floor. I started playing something off the top of my head, when I heard footsteps coming. I looked up to see Brian opening the door. He sat next to me and asked, "What song are you playing?". I started to explain when I noticed he was staring right at me. I started stuttering because I felt so nervous. What if I said something weird and embarrassed myself? Then something happened, something so amazing, something I would never have expected. He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I never got to tell you something important: This". Then he kissed me on the cheek and pulled me into his shoulder.

I rested on his shoulder for a while and it felt so real. I mean, it was real, I'd just never felt like that before. Maybe it was a sign that he was burgled? It sounds bad but I probably would never had met him and felt like this. I was repeating in my head, over and over, "Please like me, please like me, please like me..."

"Jeordie." I heard a soft whisper and opened my eyes in response.

"Jeordie, you were talking in your sleep, bro." He giggled with a cheeky smile. "You know, it's not good to sleep with your makeup on". I looked over to my clock: 23:52.

"Oh. I didn't know I was sleeping." I answered. Why did I say that? Who knows they're sleeping...? I felt stupid. Before I knew it, Brian was lifting up and he was giving me a piggy back ride. I screamed and started laughing uncontrollably as he was racing along the corridor to the bathroom.

Finally in the light, we started to take off our makeup together, as the most masculine off men do together all the time...I started noticing how much more beautiful his face was with no makeup on. I was so embarrassed in front of him as I've always had a large, disproportionate nose, and just felt down about myself overall.

(((No offence, Jeordie, I love your nose)))

He was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. His bone structure was perfect, his lips were adorable, his hair was so soft and pretty. I started to feel insecure in front of him.

"Hey, by the way," Brian looked down to me, "I love your eyes." He said with a caring smile. I blushed like crazy and nudged him in the side. He made me feel so much better.

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