Part 2

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Grace P.O.V:

I slowly got out of the bed and walked to the sink and washed my face. The hospital smell lingering around my fingertips making my sadness grow further at the thought of not remembering everything. How can I not remember anything? How can I not remember every waking moment with Jai?

I bet he's been good to me, since we've been together for 7 years. We've been married for two so surely we've had an amazing life together. I can't believe Justin would try and act like he loved me and I loved him. There was one time I did like him, but I'm guessing we never confessed our feelings to each other because I wouldn't be with Jai right now, if he did. There couldn't be anything in the world that would stop me from loving Jai.

Suddenly, knocking me out of my confused state, the soft thuds of a fist on the door sparked me.

"Come in" I replied, while walking to my bed. I then saw someone I didn't think I'd ever see again. Justin.

Age did him well. At the tender age of 21. His brown caramel like hair was styled to a slender tick that was perfect, just like I remember him. His muscular body that was adorned with tattoos were covered in a grey hoodie, with skinny jeans. He wore scruffy supras on his feet that were just perfect. Why the fuck, do I keep saying he's perfect!

Shaking my head getting rid of the thoughts my head was suggesting. Justin swaggered forward with the cuffs of his jeans scraping the floor as if he didn't care, he just wanted to make sure I was alright.

"Hey" he softly rasped, as he awkwardly rubbed his sleeve down his arm.

"Hi.. Justin what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for you"

"Justin... I'm married.."

"Yeah you are. To me" Justin said while pointing to himself and smiling softly.

"Oh Jai told me about this. Justin you need to get it through your head I'm not married to you. I'm married to Jai and we are having a baby"


"We're married and we're having a baby"

"So it did work. That's our baby Gracie"

"What did you just call me?"

"Gracie.. I've called you that the last 7 years"

"Well I think you're mistaken Justin. Jai's the only person that calls me Gracie. Also I've been married to Jai for 2 years now. Look I've got rings. So explain to me how we're married?"

"I gave you those rings"

"Justin... This deluded attempt is really sick. How dare you try and come here to tell me different. Don't you think I deserve the truth?"

"Yes, I'm telling you the truth. Babe, please listen to me"

"Justin... Stop calling me babe. I'm not or will I ever be your babe. I love Jai"

"Look at my lock screen Grace" Justin said as of pleading. On his iPhone was a photo of Justin and I, I was kissing his cheek. We both had big smiles on our faces as of we were the happiest couple in the world.

"That's easily photoshopped Justin. Even a 12 year old girl would know that"

"Look Grace. On my phone you're my gorgeous girl"

"You're sick you know that Justin. Are you that envious of Jai?"

"No babe"

"Stop calling me babe Justin. If you really love me like you say you do, you'll leave me alone"

L.O.V.E (3): Just Give Me a Reason to Fall in Love AgainWhere stories live. Discover now