Trying to stop the passes

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So really soon after he started getting passes my sister and I felt like it was ruining our relationship with our mother. We tried everything in out power to try to stop the passes but he kept getting them. He now gets a pass for 12 pm on Saturday to 6 pm on Sunday. But this week he is getting it at 10pm on Friday to 8pm on Saturday. My mom gets stressed when I tell her that I hate him getting passes. She said that she has no control over that. So on the weekend of July 14 he wasn't supposed to get a pass because he got two overnight passes in a row so he wouldn't get one that week but he did. It wasn't for overnight but still he shouldn't have got a pass. He now gets a pass EVERY weekend. Some are overnight and some are just 6 hours. The reason why I got mad is because we had plans for the 14 and the 15 he got a pass. So basically all my weekends are is either getting kicked out of my house for 31 hours or being traped in my house so he can be where I want to be... which is outside.

So I probably won't post this unless you have questions because I don't know what you want to know so if you want me to tell you more comment.


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