When It started

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Like I said it started when I was 7 year old. It started on my birthday. When I was happening I felt like everyone has been going though the same thing so I didn't tell because they never told. I was still afraid of what he said about getting taken away from my family. I still think that I will be taken way from my family. Back then I thought" if I go missing would anyone notice who anyone care". Even after so many of the good touch bad touch I still never told. Even though I was tempting to tell but I couldn't. I was scared. I thought people were going to bully me for being week. I should have told sooner but how can you just say " Hey, my brother is raping me and I have no idea what to do" in a normal conversation? I don't think you can and knowing the kids at my school the wouldn't understand what was going on. They were just kids. I mean so was I but I wasn't alone. I have my sister and my cousin.


So I talked to my therapist and she said that is was a good idea. I got the idea from my sister which is doing the exact same thing but it is her feeling behind it.


What Really happened Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora