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Moonlight filtered the valley, cold air being blown in from where it laid between the mountains. The moon seemed a bit off that night, it glowing an ominous red instead of its clear white like the fluffy clouds. The valley seemed to hold some form of life, the dark skin people of Hyrule: the Gerudo tribe. The Gerudo tribe is an all female race with one king born every hundred years. And the hundredth year was that night. Gerudo who were asleep had blankets covering their entryways as they didn't have many doors or the materials to make doors. The windows were covered in blankets as well, except for one which was home to the chieftess for the night. The torches lining the sandstone walls glows dimly, the midwives trying to help the queen through delivery. A small craft bassinet laid next to her bed, her screaming in sharp pain from the torment of birth. Midwives were next to the bed, Gerudo guards lining the wall and viewpoints in protection of the queen.

The queen's sister watched, not showing any signs of pity for her younger sister as she writhed in pain and bellowing, finally able to breathe. She watched her sister's eyes close and her breathing come to an end, the midwives cleaning the infant as the few others covered her with a white sheet. "Long live the queen," the sister said, removing her sister's crown from her head. "How is the infant?"

"Well ma'am, the child is male." A midwife announced, the sister looking over her shoulder at the infant. He looked to be about nine pounds, maybe three ounces. A small tuft of red hair was on his tiny head, his ears pointed like his mother's, and his skin the same tone as hers. The midwife wrapped him in a royal blue blanket and laid him in the bassinet next to the cadaver, the midwives getting rid of the body. The newborn laid alone, looking at the ceiling as the torches flickered. Nobody noticed his eye color which was odd. A light golden. The aunt and the midwives all left to go dispose of the queen.

The newborn's curious eyes watched the torches go out, as a dark ominous cloud swirled around the child. The child watched it go around before going through his mouth, his innocence being stripped away from him in an instance. The newborn was sent to sleep, hearing a deep voice being repeated in his mind.

The morning came as the newborn's aunt picked him up, cradling him. The baby was asleep as she smirked. "You do need a name newborn," she sighed and looked out the window at the town waking up. "Hmmmm...Gan-"

"My lady!" A guard walked in. "The queen's daughter just arrived!"

The aunt sighed. "Send her in," she groaned, still holding the voe. A young girl with dark red hair pinned into a bun with dark green eyes walked in, her wearing the usual vai clothing. "Sav'saaba Mireq."

"Morning aunt," Mireq greeted. "Is that my new baby sister?" she inquired, trying to peer at the baby but was pushed away. She huffed and looked at her. "So? What's her name?"

"Child you know the rules." The aunt sneered, looking down at the child. "And besides, today marks the hundredth year for the Gerudo king. And he is among us."

Mireq smiled in joy. "So, he's among us today?!" She looked quite thrilled, her unable to contain it. The aunt set her digits on the princess's forehead, flicking her. "Ow!"

"Quiet. You're the daughter of the Chief are you not?"

"Yea...I guess...." she grumbled and looked down. The aunt walked past her niece, Mireq following behind. "Hey. Where's mom?"

"She, is resting." The aunt lied. Her niece was not quite smart like the rest of the children. She was, special in the brain. The aunt drew all eyes on her as she walked, a little girl in all pink walking next to her. She looked like she was three, seeing the royal blue blanket.

"It's a voe!" The child yelled. She pointed at the blanket, her golden eyes shimmering like the sun. "It's a king! We have a king!"

"Nabooru enough!" The girl named Nabooru was pulled away from the chief's sister, her mother holding her daughter. "I'm so sorry ma'am."

"She's just excited." The aunt chuckled deeply. "Besides, we don't know who he is from now do we?"

Nabooru looked down as her mother sighed. "I'm still sorry for her behavior ma'am. She usually isn't like this. I wish to know why she's so rattled when she should be follying."

The woman smiled as the child started to whimper in her arms. "Excuse me, I need to hurry," she quicken with her pace, Mireq on her heels. The aunt looked at her niece. "Go play with that annoying child."

"She's too small for me," Mireq complained. "Besides, I wanna see my new sister!" She stamped her foot and crossed her arms, knowing she's going to be chastised soon.

"No. It is not time to see her yet," she grumbled. "Run along now before you get in my way Mireq."

The little girl huffed and turned on her heels, leaving her aunt walking. She gazed down at the little child, him making grabby hands, showing how hungry he is. She stroked his head softly, taking him into her home and setting him inside the old crib. She knew she couldn't nurse him, knowing she needed a midwife who was able to. Sighing, she went on a hunt for one, bringing her back, and having her nurse him.

The evening sun set low over the valley, the aunt finally bringing out the young infant.

"May I have your attention please!" She boomed, all the Gerudo going to where she was, gazing up at her arms. "The queen has passed on last night after she delivered a successful heir to the throne! This is the hundredth year mark, this date, but the child is different from the rest. May I present; King Ganondorf Frenoa Dragmire, our new leader!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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