★ rain - wroetostar ★

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★ RAIN ★

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Harry loved the rain. He loved the sound of it, the way it beat against the windows in a soothing melody. He loved the smell it left behind, a fresh and clean scent like all the dirt and smog had been washed away. He loved to sit at the window, watching the beads slide down the glass, more and more appearing on the surface, watching them race down in tiny streams.

It was raining again and Harry was at the Sidemen house. He sat on the floor next to the huge glass doors and windows, forehead resting against the cool surface as he watched, like he always did. It was better here than in the flat. He could see it hammer against the ground, splashing back up until finally coming to a rest on the beige paving stones of the back garden. He could see the small rings spread out in the fountain where the raindrops landed, like shockwaves from the impact of a meteor.

"Watching the rain again?" Harry's thoughts were interrupted. Vik came and sat next to him, their crossed legs were close enough that their knees were pressed together. Harry nodded, moving his head off the chilly glass to look over at the boy on his left.

"Yeah. Helps me think." He said quietly, going back to staring outside, "Just been thinking about everything really."

"What is 'everything' though?"

"My channel, my life, my friends, my future, you know, the important things."

Vik hummed and looked out the window too, they sat in silence for another ten minutes, just watching the persistent downpour.

Harry had stopped counting the seconds that passed by the time Vik next spoke, "Do you want to go outside?"

He started, turning to stare at Vik, "I thought you hated being outside in the rain?"

"Right now, I don't."

Before Vik could change his mind, Harry ran to get them both a jacket, just grabbing two of his own rather than searching for one of Vik's.

It was much too big and he looked like the fabric was drowning him, but Vik wore Harry's jacket as they opened the glass door and stepped out into the brisk October air.

The rain started beating down on their shoulders like a thousand tiny pats on the back. Harry grinned at the feeling, happy to be outside rather than stuck indoors. He watched Vik hunch his shoulders up to his ears and laughed, walking over to the shorter boy.

"Already regretting it?" He asked, placing a hand on each of Vik's arms. He looked up at Harry and scrunched his face up.

"The rain isn't good but I'm just happy to be here with my favourite person."

Harry's heart leapt in his chest, he smiled down at Vik, "Don't let the others hear you say that."

"I want everyone to hear," he whispered, and Harry took a sharp breath as Vik pulled him down into a kiss. The sound of the rain faded out of Harry's focus as he grasped lightly onto the front of Vik's (his) jacket, pulling him closer. The kiss was soft and Harry was aware of the wetness on both their lips from the rain and the fact his heart was pounding in his chest and Vik's arms wrapped around his neck.

They both pulled away, their foreheads resting together as they took a breath. Vik giggled happily and Harry joined in. Their quiet moment was interrupted by a cheer from the house. The pair turned to see the other five Sidemen gathered around the open door, all watching on the scene before them.

"How long have you been watching?" Harry yelled over. Simon reached over JJ's shoulder and shoved Tobi forwards to answer.

"We all ran over here just after you went out?" He admitted, Harry felt his cheeks and ears go warm as the other Sidemen laughed.

"Nice to see one of you finally made a move. But you've lost me money, I bet on it being you, Harry." JJ shook his head in disappointment.

"You bet on who'd make the first move?" Vik repeated. The five all nodded.

"Speaking of which, you all owe me and Josh a fiver each," Tobi rounded on the other three, who all groaned, "You were the ones that started the bet!"

Harry rolled his eyes and turned back to Vik, leaning down to press another soft kiss on his lips, "I'm glad you made a move."

A/N: today's writer suggestion is @jiddlesgiggle - she recommended me so I feel it's only fair I recommend her. Her book 'Inseparable' is amazing and her new book 'Paper Thin' has an amazing story line and is amazingly written too! They're both ksimon so if you love it, like the both of us, I'd check them out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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