"Wait!" Jhope yelled randomly. Rm, Jin and Suga looked at him with confused expressions. "Where's Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook?"


"I don't see them." Mickaela whispered to Joonie. She shushed Mickaela in her face and covered it with a bandanna. "Why are you hiding my face? We aren't in America!" Mickaela yelled.

"Shushhhhhhh." She held up the bandanna to her face still. "You're internationally famous. Anyone can recognize you."

"There they are!" A voice yelled.

"Just like that." Joonie mutter under her breath, but Mickaela was still able to hear it.

Feet could be heard running towards them until Mickaela looked down and saw three pairs of shoes stopped in front of them. Mickaela removed the bandanna, peeking at who the pairs of feet belonged too. And of course it's who you guys think.

"Are you ready to go?" Jungkook asked them.

"Why did they send you three?" Joonie asked. Her eyebrows rising as she asked.

Taehyung and Jimin looked offended while Jungkook just laughed Joonie's question off.

"They had a little talk, and they asked us to come." Jimin explained.

"Oh great if we die then im blaming the hyung line." Joonie whispered to her bestfriend. Mickaela let out a giggle before following the maknae line to their car.


Mickaela couldn't believe she was here. She couldnt believe she's only a few minutes away from Jhope. She most definitely should but upset, she should be crying right now, but Joonie made her realize crying never solved anything!

Mickaela can't keep crying and moving around like a dead person. She can't be locked up in her room all day. She needs to come out and face her problems. Even if it means everyone else finding out as well.

Lastnight her twitter notifications blew up. She kept getting lots of followers and so many tags from people and other celebrities it was crazy.

Now today she's here for Jhope. She's here to figure this out together, as a family.

"We're almost there." Taehyung said as he squeezed Mickaela's hand. She smiled at him and looked over at Joonie who was leaning against the window asleep.

After a few minutes of looking out the window, the car came to a stop and there in front of Mickaela was BTS's dorm. It looked quite average and like the rest of the houses on the street, but she knew once she walked inside it wouldn't be the average dorm.

Mickaela and Joonie both stepped out of the vehicle with the maknae line shortly behind them. Mickaela was about to walk further onto the sidewalk when Jungkook stopped her.

"Before you go." He said with his hand held out. "Grab my hand." Mickaela looked down at his hand and hesitated before finally grasping her hand with his.

His hand was soft yet holding his hand felt uncomfortable, like Mickaela needed to hold someone else's hand.

Jungkook led them in the dorm and around towards the living room. He came to a stop once he seen the hyung line looking back at them.

There she seen him.

Her brother.


"Mickaela?" Jhope said in shock. He stood up from his seat and put his hand to his heart. "Is that really you?"

Mickaela nodded her head and opened her arms. He ran towards Mickaela and embraced her into a giant hug. They stayed like this for a couple of minutes until someone interrupted them.

"This is a nice family reunion and all, but we need to get down to some business." Jin said teasingly.

Jhope and Mickaela both let go of each other and took a seat with everyone else.

"How did you know to come?" Jhope asked Joonie and Mickaela. Both of them looked at each other and then back at Jhope.

"Didn't you want us to come?" Joonie asked.

"I didn't know you was?" Jhope said, but was more of a question.

"Someone told us you wanted us to come." Mickaela added. Jhope looked around the room and then his eyes landed back on Mickaela.





Going to kill 2 birds with one stone. Updating two chapters at the same time.

You're welcome.

~ Strong Power Thank You 💓

My Long Lost Sister • Jhope •حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن