"No." I cut in. My voice sounded deeper and louder than normal, but I had just assumed I was partly asleep. Which had to have been the cause for my irritation. It was a bit strange considering my better mood earlier. Even Xavier was quiet.  I knew it was an honest question, but for him to imply that I was mistreating her in any way didn't sit right with me in the slightest.

He raised an ey

"No. She is not," I replied again, softer this time.

Both of my parents exchanged a look, something that said they knew something. Regardless of what I had done/said, I glanced at the time, told them both goodbye, and headed out the door. I had to go anyhow.

I was almost half-way to school when I saw Amber walking along the road. I smiled as I pulled up beside her, my irritable mood seeming to disappear like a prop in a magic show. She was wearing her usual jeans and shirt, nothing fancy, but somehow she pulled it off, making her look flawless. And as she got into the jeep, it took every ounce of willpower to not lean in and kiss those beautiful lips of hers. Was I going crazy?

"Um, so, are we going?" She asked with a small smile.

I had realized that she noticed that I was stating.

She laughed a little as I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, and pulled back onto the road.

"So where do you live?" I asked.

She tensed a little beside me, but then relaxed a second later. "My parents bought a large piece of land a while back. About a year ago. I went to a different school, but we had an accident and built a different house away from it. We now live on the other side of our property, so I go here."

I looked at her, then back at the road. "Must be a big chunk of land. The nearest town besides ours is about eight miles from here."

She shrugged. "It's... complicated. I'll explain it to you sometime."

I chuckled. "Why not now? We've got time?"

She shook her head. "I... It's complicated. Really... I..." she looked away.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to pry," I said softly feeling a tad awkward. I chose to keep my eyes on the road as a personal distraction.

We were quiet for a while before Amber spoke up again. "So what was it you wanted to ask me in person?"

I felt my face flush a little. I was a little nervous about what her response would be.

'She'll say yes, I know she will!' Xavier exclaimed happily. I sighed to myself and just went for it.

"Amber... I was wondering if you would like to go out with me. Like... on a date... and as..."

I couldn't go any further. My throat was closing with the nervousness.

It faded the moment Amber laughed. I looked at her to see her smiling widely at me with amusement in her eyes.

"That sounds fun. I'd like that, Alex."

I felt my heart flutter a little and pulled up to the school. I drove into a parking space, killed the engine, and looked over at her.

"But what was that last question?"

I froze for a moment.

Ah, hell with it. Just go for it.

"I was also wondering if you'd go as my girlfriend." I put out. I sounded far more confident than I felt.

I heard her growl a little. It was... possessive sounding. 

Since when do I know what a growl sounds like?

I returned my attention to the girl sitting in the passenger seat of my vehicle, who had a little devilish grin on her face.

"I thought we already were," she said, beaming.

"In that case..." I trailed off.

And before I lost any confidence and bravery I had, I leaned in and kissed her.

Most people think that their first kiss is the most amazing. I beg to differ. I think that the most amazing one is when you're with someone amazing. I know that Amber hadn't been the first girl that I had kissed, but she most definitely will be the last. I felt like sparks were flying when I kissed her and felt waves of unimaginable warmth and comfort coming from where I was touching her. The more we kissed, the more I felt alive. 

I pulled away when the school bell cut into the blissful silence of my Jeep. Amber whimpered softly when I did so, making me grin. I was glad that she seemed to like me as much as I liked her.

"We'd better get to class," I said.

She nodded, her face turning a little red. "Yeah. Probably a good idea."

We walked up to the school and were about to head our separate ways when I turned and kissed her one more time. 

"See you at lunch," I said, breaking away, and heading to class.

She nodded, face flushed, and went her way.

I didn't know or even come close to understanding what I was feeling, let alone what was happening. All I knew was that I could get used to it.

My Werewolf GirlfriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant