I stared at him in shock. "Oh wow." And that's all I could say.

My father nodded. "I don't know why."

Then a thought hit me. "But why would the rogues and hunters team up? They hate each other. Well, all werewolves and hunters hate each other, but still. Why would they team up with each other?"

Hunters are called hunters for a reason. Most believed that all werewolves were bad and they all deserved to be killed. Not all werewolves were bad though. Some tended to be really nice and classy. They wouldn't hurt a fly.

My dad and mom shrugged. "I don't know that either."

My mom agreed. "Amber's right. It doesn't make sense. Werewolves and hunters hate each other, so there would be no reason for them to join forces."

"What about for power?" I asked out of nowhere.

Their heads snapped to me. "What do you mean?" My dad asked watching and studying me carefully.

"Well, if you think about it. If the hunters and rogues joined forces, then that means they would be stronger. The wolf's sense of smell and speed, plus with their claws and teeth. Then add the hunter's weapons. Which are guns, knives, bow n' arrows, all dipped or made out of silver? The hunters could have gone to the rogues promising that if they helped wipe a pack out, that the rogues could have the land. Or vice-versa."

"That's brilliant!" My dad said while my mom nodded in agreement. "Keep talking." He said leaning forward.

"But what I still don't get is why they would trust each other. I mean the hunters can easily kill off the rogues and also the rogues could easily kill off the hunters. They are both sly and cruel people. They could be tricking each other. Like the hunters may promise the rogues the land, but once the pack is wiped out, the hunters could turn on the rogues and wipe them out."

"She's got a point there." My mom said.

"Yes, she does." My dad thought. "But what I want to know, is how they find each other. I mean, both groups try to stay well hidden. Because neither group wants to be seen by werewolves in a pack, or even other rogues and hunters."

"Maybe their paths crossed somehow," I suggested.

"How?" My parents asked.

"Both groups need to stay well hidden, so how would their paths cross in any way?" My mom asked.

"Maybe when they were switching hiding spots." I leaned forward in my seat. "Because if you think about it, maybe they both were going into new grounds and they saw each other. Then they made the deal, and BAM. Deal and compromise made."

"How did our daughter get so smart?" My dad chuckled as he asked my mom.

"I have no idea. But she will surely make a good alpha for this pack when she gets old enough." My mom giggled.

"Damn straight she will."

"I know guys. But thanks." I smiled and stood up to do a little bow.

"Oh, Lord." My mom said rolling her eyes at me.

"I'm gonna call a pack meeting to get everyone up to date. And please promise me you will be careful." My dad said sternly.

I nodded my head. "I will. Promise."

"Okay. Let's all go to the meeting hall." My dad said as we stood up to follow him.

Well, today has sure been an... eventful day.

Rogues and hunters possibly teaming up and trying to destroy our pack, my dad sending our wolves to watch over me, and Alex and those abs. Yum... His abs are to like die for! I mean, he honestly does have an 8-pack, and they are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Like you could just lick them up and-

"Amber?" I heard my name being called.

I looked up and saw my mom and dad giving me weird looks.

"Hm?" I asked unsure of what they had just said. I was sure I looked like a deer in the headlights.

"Are you coming?" My dad asked about.

"Yes," I answered quickly and followed them out of his office.

"And what were you dreaming about? It looked like you were drooling" My mom asked.

I felt my face turn red. "Oh, nothing." I lied with a nervous giggle.

She smirked knowingly but dropped it.

My mom always knew when I was lying because I will always let out a small giggle. So it made it really easy for people to tell I was lying.

Let's get this meeting over with now, shall we?

My Werewolf GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now