32. I don't have a horse

Start from the beginning

He slowly removed his hands, and I quickly opened my eyes to spot the beautiful gold necklace dangling between his fingertips.

A gasp escaped me as I accepted it from him, and ran my fingertips against the beautiful double-ring pendant that was attached to the necklace.

"It's a promise necklace," Nate explained, as I continued to run my fingers along the outline of the rings.

"Here," he took the necklace from my grasp and easily clasped it around my neck, since I was already on his lap.

The necklace that seemed so cold in my hands, seemed so warm and natural against my chest.

"This way," Nate said, pointing at the rings that were resting against my chest, "It's even more special. Lex I promise, that we'd make it through this. That'd we'd be together."

The smile appeared on my lips before I had any knowledge of it and I couldn't help but to give Nate a quick kiss.

"Good. Because you see where the beautiful pendants are resting? Right above my heart," I murmured against his lips.

I internally laughed at the cheesy symbolism of it all, nonetheless, it made me happy. It made me so ecstatic, and for once I believed in every time going right.

"Sorry I didn't have a grand gesture, the local stable was all out of white horses." Nate shrugged, his goofy, lopsided grin forming.

I wrinkled my nose, "Oh thank God, I think we both know that I need a break from horses. They're my mortal enemy."

He laughed, "That they are."

"See? So this gesture was perfect. Very Nate-like."

He rose his brows questioningly and I shrugged.

"You know, cute and charming and slight quirky. I've told you before, but the impression still stands, you're so goddamn perfect."

His smile finally dropped, and he shook his head with a scoff.

"I'm nowhere perfect Lex, no one is."

"Okay true," I replied.

He nodded, "We all just have to learn that some of our imperfections are okay, and treat with them kindly."

I stayed silent and just admired the beautiful boy I called mine and listened to his words of wisdom.

I thought about the words, and what Nate considered his imperfections.

As if reading my thoughts, he spoke again, "I always scorned myself for being so depressed all the time. For feeling so out of place wherever I went. It took me while to finally feel at home with Cindy."

I subtly stole a peek at his dyed hair, but bit my lip to prevent me from saying anything.

"-then I came to realize... that it's okay. It's okay for me to be feeling these things. I have every reason to feel them. What I came to realize was... that they didn't define me. I came to apologize to myself for all those years of self-hatred. I came to love myself and was extra careful with myself whenever I felt those dark thoughts emerging again."

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