33: The End

129 11 50

April 8, 2040

5 months after (Y/N)'s comatose state


I walked into the quiet hospital, once again.

It's been quite a while since (Y/N) fell into a coma. It almost marked half a year since she had, still, hopeful as ever.

I regularly came on Sundays, because it was the only day I was off. I had to switch my schedule around to find room to visit (Y/N), and not just whenever I was able to. I wanted to visit her at least once a week. Thankfully, both my bosses were okay with it. So Sundays were the days I looked forward to every week.

I also have been maintaining and cleaning (Y/N)'s home. Before she fell into a coma, she had given me authorization to enter into her home with a touch of my hand on her touch pad.

It's almost as if we'd became official that day... without declaring it with our own voices.

(Y/N) let me into her world, showing me her most vulnerable side. She trusted me... so I dedicated my life to revolve around her. It was the least I could do for her.

And when she wakes, I'd do the most for her.

Before heading into the hallways that was just walls of doors, I heard (Y/N)'s name.

"Comatose patient (Y/N)'s heartbeat is significantly rising after the second surgery. I-I don't think there's not much we can do-"

"Right now?" Another nurse asked.

"Yes," she nodded, her voice sounded concerned. "I don't think she'll make it."


I picked up my feet, ignoring the rest of their conversation to check up on (Y/N) to see if it was true.

My heart started to pump faster, and I felt my hands squeezing on its own will so hard, I threatened to break them. I gritted my teeth, fighting back my fear.

But man, did that hardly even work.

I was scared for my life.

My mind was clouded with angst, afraid I'd never see those (E/C) marbles again.

Please don't let it be true.

The door of (Y/N)'s room was growing bigger in my vision as I approached it, my feet scrambling against the tiles beneath me. The only sound I heard was my furiously beating heart and my shoes smacking against the floors.

Please don't let it be true.

I swung the door open hastily, and I saw (Y/N) laying down on the bed. The heart monitor attached to her was beeping loudly, and unusually faster than I remembered from previous visits.

Last time I had seen her, she didn't look as bad as she did at the moment.

Something about the way her skin looked alarmed me.

"(Y/N)" I cried out.

I ran to her side, holding her hand desperately with mine, wishing she would respond with her touch.

I don't want to lose her.

"Please!... don't let it be true!"

In a panic state of mind, I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

A single tear, traveling down alone.

All alone, just like me.

"I..." my voice cracked. "I don't want to live without you..."

I gritted my teeth, scared, frustrated, terrified of what was going to happen to her.

"I... I can't live without you."

I would die if you left me.

"I love you so much, (Y/N)! I love you so much!... You... you are my whole life... my world... I... don't want to live if... if you're not here with me..."

Another tear fell, as if it was a metaphor. A metaphor that if she left, I'm following with her.

There isn't a life without you.

Suddenly, I saw (Y/N)'s body violently shake.

My eyes widened, as I watched her have a seizure in front of me.

I panicked and ran to press the button the call the nurse as I shouted, terrified, "nurse!"

(Y/N)'s limbs continued to jerk vigorously, and her mouth opened. It began to spill foam, and her cheeks began to twitch.

The nurses slammed the door open, barging in forcefully and ran inside the room, raising her voice at me, "you're going to have to leave, I'm sorry."

I stared at (Y/N) with my jaws dropped, my body frozen still.

I couldn't bring myself to move. My mind went blank, unable to think.

I watched the nurses take care of her, but one walked in front of me, blocking my view.

"Excuse me, we're going to ask you to leave."


I squeezed my eyes, balling my fist. I ran out of the room, running up the stairs of the hospital.


I kept picking my feet up, running up the stairs.

I can't do this.

I reached the roof of the hospital, and it was dusted completely in snow. The grey skies were cloudy, and the snow continued to fall relentlessly. Each and every snow that kissed my skin melted on my face, leaving water on the skin that (Y/N) had used to touch.

I don't want to live without you, (Y/N).

I ran to the edge of the building, stepping on the ledge.

The abyss of Detroit was watching me, and I stared back at the cruel world, digging my fingernails into my palms.

I gulped, filling my mind with (Y/N).

Her happy faces, her beautifully satisfying laughter.

What was the point of continuing on if (Y/N) wasn't going to be in my life? She was my everything. My motivation, my reason, my world.

Without her, there was nothing.

I loved her.

Now there wasn't going to be a reason to live.

I kept (Y/N) in my thoughts before the end.

I can't live without you, (Y/N).

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