Seamus sayings/No longer a Creature

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Shotgun rain!
Frag out!
Jesus tap dancing christ!
Minecraft chick needs to fix these signs
What did I do?
Everything is coming milhouse.
Hold the phone
Riddle me that Batman
Don't mind if I do
I've / you've got this. There's no way I/you don't got this.
Thank you______, you're a gentlemen and a scholar.
Don't be a Scrooge!
Day three of_______
Is this death? that is definitely/definitely not death.
What a high horse?
You just pooped all over me
I've go the moves
This guys got some moves!
You wanna go? you wanna go bitch?
I don't like Jackolarterns,_________ that dude ones me five bucks
This is shenanigans
Where in Carmen sandiego is _______?
An any rate...
This place looks like Detroit!
I accept these terms and conditions of..
And I cast you the fuck out!
Notify your congress man and or state legislative
Are you for realsies?
Well this/that sucks..
Smooth cola Pepsi
Police! search warrant!
Bup bup bup bup
Well you mr.__________, can suck my ass
_______ all the way in Bufu fucking Egypt
This will hur-..
I don't follow _______ news!
I like ________, he's a cool guy!
That was a creature charge
Meanwhile in the justice league..
Look at that ______ and being _______.
Out-fucking standing marines
Something like that
I'm new here
That's how we do it in Europe _______ and all that good stuff
Wow look at that_____
______ is a douche
Hot damn
Diggity damn!!
I don't have ducking skin, it's fucking circumsized you piece of shit!
I'm a cool guy
There/that is a ______there/that is
Wing wangs
They_______that they did
Story times over!!i
It was his last day
He was going to retire soon!
Looks, like he won't be in ______ 2.
That's why they pay me the big bucks!
There's an ended man over here, he's stealing blocks!
Who's dick to I have to suck to......?
What is this, Detroit?
See ya!
What/like a bunch of dochiers
If ______ was alive before________'s not new
Here he comes to save the day
It was alright
How's it doing everyone
For the group
This sucks!
Hard in the paint
Yeah like....
RIP combat multiplier
Four kills!
Caculated/ That was calculated shit!

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