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Brown- A word used by Jordan mostly and can be use for almost everything.

Horden!- another name for Jordan used by James when he's mad.

MLG- Major League Gaming/Gamer

Hipo- another name for a slime in Minecraft made by Slyfoxhound.

Rage- Getting so angry at a game that you burst out screaming or throw things such as keyboards and game controllers.

Creature Carl- name the creatures came up with.

Treetopia- A reboot of the series the treehouse.

Treesus- The tree God that Dan came up with in Skyblock.

Sapling- The tree God gives the guys Free saplings.

Jungie- a word Aleks uses in Skyblock.

Meow- kootra uses meow when copyright songs come on and likes saying it.

Puppy Chef- sly's dog who appears in some of the Creature episodes.

BatDanz- often what Dan is called when he's dressed like Batman.

SSohpkc- Seamus's YouTube name that has no meaning behind it.

Danznewz- Dan's youtube name.

Uberhaxornova- Nova aka James's name on YouTube.

Immortalhd- aleks's YouTube name.

Kootra- Jordan's YouTube name.

Dextermanning- aka Dex. The newest member of the Creatures who resembles a trash can.

Ze- the name everyone calls
ZeRoyalViking aka Steven.

Spoon- name that people call Spoonerism aka Nick.

Blumpkin- where a girl gives a guy a blow job while he takes a shit. Used by James in The Ex-Communicated series.

Blosh- a word sly hears James say when he is talking about bushes. Ex-communicated.

AC1-30- James hears random noises of COD in ex-communicated and slyfoxhound and seamus say he's crazy.

Amplified- sly says this in TreeTopia when he sees all the stuff.

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