Chapter 3 - Seeds of Legacy

Start from the beginning

There was a long moment of silence as Killian walked up to the larger man, showing the documentation and his permissions directly from the Archons. Solomon looked over them, his frown only deepening as he mumbled to himself.

"Congratulations on your promotion, Captain Killian," he nodded, "Are you sure this is the choice you want to make?"

"I am, Solomon."

During all of this, Gallagher had a bemused grin plastered over his face, "All of this trouble, for little old me?" he asked, smiling through bloodied teeth, "Well, can't say I'll be too sad to go. Solomon, you're not the worst guy I've known, but you're still a massive prick."

Solomon ignored the comment. "Captain, if you have any other options, I would urge you to reconsider."

"This is the call I'm making, Solomon. I'm not here for permission."

Solomon gave a slow nod, before taking a step back. "As you wish, Killian."

Killian gave the other Archaean a nod in return, before turning to Gallagher. "You're with us now, let's move."

"Now hold on there," Gallagher replied, "I don't appreciate your tone, Killer."

A rough shove from Solomon was all it took to send the bloodied Archaean stumbling towards them, catching himself against Killian's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll miss you too," Gallagher grunted, walking over towards Maven, holding up his middle finger over his shoulder, back towards his former commander.

"Be careful," Solomon muttered as Killian turned to follow.

"Hey there, Jumbo," Gallagher said as Maven stepped aside, letting him back into the hallway.

She said nothing, but glared at Killian as he followed them out. The door slid shut behind them, Gallagher leading the way back towards the elevators.

"Good to see you again, Killer; haven't bumped into you since Mongolia, am I right? To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked, fishing around in the pockets of the jeans and pulling out a set of cheap black plastic sunglasses, before putting them on, "Can't say I get many social calls."

"You're on our new team," Killian replied, "We're tracking down something that's hunting Archaeans."

"Hard pass," he shook his head, dipping his hand back into the pocket and digging around again, "Sounds very hazardous to my health, can't say I'm a huge fan."

"Of course, we could always escort you to the Detention Block. With your latest stunt, the Archons will have you executed within the week."

"You speak like a man familiar with my work," Gallagher gave a thin smile, finally pulling out a piece of human candy, wrapped in plastic. "But hey, you make a compelling argument. I'm assuming there's no third option?"

He quickly stripped the plastic wrapper, flicking it onto the floor as the elevator doors opened. He popped it into his mouth, walking into the elevator and leaning against the back wall.

"Ground floor," Killian said as he and Maven stepped in as well.

"-Acknowledged, Captain Killian.-"

"After Mongolia, I read your file," Killian continued, "Not much to say."

Gallagher's eyes narrowed slightly. "Now that's just hurtful."

"You've got a brain that makes a TAU look like a child's toy. All that ability in the world, all the potential, and you spend your time on petty larceny?"

Gallagher slid the plastic sunglasses down to the end of his nose, looking at Killian over the top of them. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

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