Part 1

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I was born out of wedlock and to parents that were not mates. My mother was the Alpha's mate but she cheated on him with a lone wolf that was given permission to be on the pack's land. The Alpha found out and he killed them both.

Ever since then I became a slave to the pack, I am being mistreated and abused. I often wondered if I would ever get a break in life. But it seems as if that won't happen anytime soon. So I am stuck with the abuse and the mistreatment.

"October get your good for nothing self down here now"The Alpha yelled making me jump and scurry around to find my shoes before I headed down the stairs and to him."Yes, sir" I said as I headed down the stairs, "get your ass in the kitchen and clean up that mess" he ordered. I nodded and took off to the kitchen grabbed the cleaning equipment and got to work.

Once I was finished I was grabbed by my hair, I was kicked and punched by three of the pack members since I was on my knees. I closed my eyes and bit back the scream of pain that I wanted to cry out knowing it would make things worse.

After they finished I cleaned up my own blood before I staggered out of the kitchen and put the cleaning supplies away before I headed to the bathroom and cleaned myself up a little before the Alpha yelled for me again. So I walked out barely able to stand up or breath without the pain. "Yes, sir Alpha?"I said winching from the pain, "what the hell happen to you?" he asked in a non caring way " I got one of my many beatings of the day sir," I tell him and he smiled." Good, the pack is doing like they were told" he said then walked off.

I saw him talking to the Beta, and whatever the Alpha said made the Beta smile evilly then make his way over to me grab me by my throat and walk out of the house then headed to the center field where a huge long dark hole was at. He lifted up the lid and tossed me in. It was a long fall and a very sudden impact.

My body took the hit and my eyes teared up and I let myself cry as I watched the Beta close to lid before I slowly tried to sit up but from the hard impact I got it was not gonna happen any time soon. So I laid there with the tears falling silence, my wolf whimpered and cried and I begged her to let go so we could both leave this abuse.

But she told me that soon I would be out of this and that I will have a reason to live and to be happy. That the misery I have been going through will end and love will show through. I didn't believe her cause she has told me that before and nothing changed except things getting worse for me.

~weeks later ~

My body shut down which resulted in my wolf to no longer talk to me. I never ate, never moved from the position I was in since being tossed. I know that I am slowly fading away, and I was waiting for it. But it never came fast enough, so I laid there longing for it.


A/N) I had gotten some ideas from RIRYYY.

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