10 / Bill's Age Explanation

Start from the beginning

I must be insane to be going through with this. Well, I guess I am, but that's not what I mean. It takes a lot of strength to go through a transformation. The strongest man alive would whimper in pain — god knows what Dipper, a 17 year old, will do!

"So, are all demons the same, or do they have different powers?" Dipper asked, swinging his legs off the side of the bed. "Can they choose them? Or is it set?"
I could tell very clearly he was excited, but I found a slight hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Demons have different powers. I may be a dream demon, but I can do other stuff. It's pretty random, so you don't really get to choose." I explained whilst setting up the separate room I'd created — that was just an extension of mine and Dipper's room.
"Ok. Cool!"

There was a pause.

"You... do realise that, if you do this, you won't be able to leave Gravity Falls in this dimension, right? Or, in fact, go back into the Mystery Shack..." I said, nervously.
"Yeah, I know... but I won't regret it! As long as I'm with you, that's what matters!" Dipper smiled brightly, looking like his sister. I couldn't help but smile back.

I was setting up the candles on the corners of the pentagram now — the finishing touches. I couldn't use my powers, otherwise it wouldn't work.
"Alright. You just need to kneel in the centre of the star. Once everything... relaxes... again, you need to wait in here to cool off a bit. I'll be outside. Got it?"

I turned my head and was instantly kissed. Dipper pulled my head as close to mine as possible.
When we finally broke, he smirked mischievously. "Got it." He walked over to the star and knelt down, putting his hands on his knees. I stood in front, holding the book of transformations in my hand.

I recited the ancient text aloud, causing the candle flames to burn higher and higher. They're colour changed to a luminescent green, and Dipper's eyes turned a bright blue. I still chanted the phrases, holding my firm gaze. I felt tears burn in the backs of my eyes, though I didn't let them fall. Not yet, at least...

I stopped speaking, letting the flames die down and the room to go quiet again. He just knelt there, breathing heavily. I knew that as soon as I made any sound or movement, he'd lash out (since any kind of sudden noise, no matter how quiet, could sound like a horrendous squeal to a new demon — as their senses go up incredibly high at first). So I stayed standing there, still.

I kept watching my pine-tree's chest rise and fall with speed. I kept watching his eyes, how his irises now glowed a light blue. I looked at his hair, which was now black, that had blue strands in random places, barely noticeable. I saw his veins, now visible in some areas of his extremely pale skin.

I teleported out, just outside the door. I heard the screaming on the other side. It wasn't long after I heard the loud thuds on the door as he tried to get out. Then I realised what he was screaming...


My tears that I'd held back all this time escaped and I ran back to the bed.

What have I done? I feel so bad... but he'll be ok afterwards. I just have to give him time to calm down...

I jumped onto it and cried into the pillows. I really didn't have a reason to. Dipper would be ok. You'd have to do the transformation immensely wrong for the 'victim' to even be close to dying because of it. I'd obviously done it all perfectly, so he'd be fine.

I just hated seeing, or even hearing him like that. So stressed... so terrified... so alone.

Ugh. I needed to stop thinking that way. Before I knew it, I felt darkness take over my sight and I fell asleep.

Mabel's PoV

Grunkle Ford was planning a new attack on Bill and his hench-maniacs, now using the information about his 'mysterious room', as we're now calling it. I predict that it will go something like my plan was, where we threaten to kill or destroy whatever he's hiding.

... If it is Dipper, like I suggested, we won't really get a chance at defeating Bill (because he knows we'd never kill a family member), but we'd be getting my brother back. That's what mattered to me. If the world was truly over, I wanted him to be by my side.

Bill would pay for what he did to everyone. His followers would pay, too. They'd all go and burn in Hell, being tortured for all eternity! Ok, that was a little dark, but you catch my drift. I hated Bill's guts.

Ford's PoV

The plan took a while, but was now finally ready. I called the few of us, who were remaining, over to the table. There were a few monsters, but it was mainly filled with us humans. Every person from the last Weirdmaggedon was here. Except Soos.

Wiping away a tear, I cleared my throat and explained the plan. It was long, but to summarise, we massacre the monsters and demons, avoid Bill as best as possible and get into that room. Depending on what we saw, we'd act differently. So on, so forth.

Everyone agreed on the plan. This was a relief to know, seeing as Pacifica would normally say she wasn't ok with being backup, because she wanted to be 'more included'. Maybe she really did want this Weirdmaggedon to end, this time round...

"Right. We'll set out in about two to three weeks, so we have time to prepare." I told the group. "And just to let you know, it probably won't work the first time, so this could go on for a while. This plan is easily altered, so if anyone has any improvements, tell me."

With that, we all went to bed, so we were ready for the day ahead of us. This was going to be a long few months...

- End of Chapter 10 -

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