...this war ends today

Start from the beginning

Kanae, Tsukiyamas German servant, approached you angrily. He was now sporting an angry scar across her face, her expression indicating that she was ready to give you on in parallel. "Z'his is your vult." He roared at you with his thick accent. "Master Shuu got hurt because of you!"

"Kanae, it's alright." He told her calmly, partly too tired for more conflict. No one had the stomach for more violence, a few of the remaining soldiers would die of their wounds before long anyway. After Leo was taken out no one else wanted to fight, you're prediction on their zealot behaviour had been wrong. Once their leader was removed they all just, stopped.

"It's not alright!" Aries roared. "Your dead! You hear me?! Dead! You might have beaten us today! But eventually some one will get you! Somehow some way! We'll be avenged."

"Aries." You told him. "It's over, I have no intention of fighting anymore." Standing up tall took more effort then you cared to admit and your legs wanted to shake with effort but you forced them still. "We can't keep fighting until we die, until there's only a few left of Zodiac. Or we can leave each other the fuck alone, let each other heal and just... stop."

There were nods of agreement from the lesser ghouls, some taking off their masks and others kneeling to honour fallen comrades. Now was a time for grief for some, healing for others. While the main members of Zodiac may have felt differently, neither side had the strength to go on fighting like this.

One ghoul removed his zodiac mask, wondering over to the door. He weakly opened it and made to leave, only to be blasted by CCG.

The CCG were here?!

An instant commotion broke out as panic threatened to envelop the group. Some wanted to bail and others tuck in and hide, it was clear that some were either too injured or too weak to fight and were likely going to die.

"Everyone calm down!" Capricorn announced trying to regain control. "We'll barricade the doors and windows as much as we can, we had a plan in place to begin with if we got cornered like this. Those of you that can fight get ready to do so!"

"No!" You yelled, cutting him off. "If we go deeper inside we'll just go down like cornered rats. I don't know about you, but I intend to keep on living. They have practically unlimited resources, if they flood in here when we're at full strength they'd just keep coming and taking us out one by one. With us as weak as we are, they'd overrun us in a matter of minutes."

"What do you prepose we do then?!" Capricorn shouted back. "Go out and die bravely? Go out with a bang?!"

"No. We're going to form up, gather as much strength as we can and then force our way out. Their numbers won't count for anything if they're on the other side of the building, a fast and aggressive strike would surprise them enough to punch a way through." Your half brother laughed and slapped himself on the forehead.

"Oh that's great, just perfect. We'll leave the wounded her then shall we?"

"No, were taking them with us!"

"How are you gonna..."

"Let me do my job! You brought me and now we're going to play it through to the end!" You roared at him uncharacteristically, putting him in his place. "We have precious little time to get this done so listen up, cause I'm only going to tell you all this once!" You announced getting the attention of everyone present. "The dead are gone, their souls are no longer with us. But their bodies still are, so make good of them. Let their deaths give us the strength we need to survive, you all have five minutes to cannibalise as much as you can. After that most of you will have to find a way to support the injured and get them out of here, if you can't then they stay behind. Those still able to fight get ready too and make sure to eat as much as you can. We will leave in ten minutes."

Scorpio (Tokyo Ghoul Touka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now