Hell, I don’t know how to deal with me.

“Viktor called me.”

My head snaps up, my eyes wide, “What?”

His expression becomes suspicious. “He said he had some information he wants to share with you but he didn’t know how to get ahold of you. What the fuck kind of business do you and Viktor have that I’m not aware of, Shoshanna?”

“I—“ I cut myself off and swallow thickly, “I don’t know.”

“Are you going to continue to lie to me?” he asks walking towards me slowly and my skin tingles with the need to run. Will he hurt me? No but that doesn’t mean he’ll try something to get the information he wants.

“Edgar, Its nothing.”

“So you are going to continue to lie.” He says clicking his tongue, “I don’t quiet approve of this game but I’ll play all the same. Go ahead, amour, lie some more. You look so pretty when you do it.”

I let out a shaky breath, “Edgar, please, I just—“

“Tick-Tock, Anna. My patience is wearing thin.”

“Henry attacked me at the club a few weeks ago!” I blurt.


Ah shit.

“Henry Knight of my Coven attacked you. Why?” he growls making me shiver.

“I…he said it was for Josette.”

“They were lovers.” He says blandly.


“I just said that didn’t I?” He snaps.

I withdraw a bit more into myself. This is more like the Edgar I knew in the beginning. Short tempered, mocking and intimidating. To be fair though this is who I was when we first met. Full of secrets, withdrawn and meek. We’ve seemed to have bowed to the pressure and reverted back to our original ways, the thought pains me more then it probably should.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Is this all your hiding?” he asks, his voice devoid of any emotion and deadly soft.

“Viktor stepped in at the club. He pulled Henry off of me.”

“Off of you? What was he doing?”

I flinch as he steps towards me, “He had me by the neck.”

“And you didn’t think to call to me through the bond?”

“I…” I feel tears escaping my eyes as shame fills my body, “I didn’t…I don’t know why I didn’t call for you. I just…froze.”

“Froze? Fuck, do you even want to be with me?”

My eyes widen and my head snaps up. What? Where did that come from?


His bare ivory arms are flexed as his hands curl into fists at his side. He’s so pissed the rage has contorted his features, black veins pop up around the skin of his temples, eyes and mouth making him look like something from a nightmare. I don’t know what this means but I take a step back from him all the same and for the first time in a long time I feel…fear.

“Do you want to be with me?” Edgar takes a step forward and I take one back.

“You don’t trust me enough to save you from physical harm.”

Another step forward.

“You keep threats on your life from me and instead tell another vampire who is not your mate.”

Another step.

“You have been acting distant from me.”

Another step.

“And you won’t tell me you love me.”

He is so close to me now his breath moves the hair around my air as he speaks, “Tell me, amour, how should I feel?”

“I-I’m sorry.”

“No your not.” He snaps lowly. “If you were you’d tell me what I want to hear.”

Rage, summoned from some dark place spikes in me. I let the last of my built up tears run down my face in bloody red trails before I turn my head so I can see him. My eyes are narrowed and my lower lip quivers as I stare up at the man I’ve given everything for but yet is not enough.

“You want to hear it?”

He nods his brow furrowing as he looks into my pain filled eyes.

“Fine.” I whisper before squeezing my eyes shut. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the first time you bit me in my shitty apartment after I begged you to kill me. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. Is that what you wanted?”

“Anna, I—“

“No.” I bit out, “You will listen to me now.”

He nods, eyes wide at the sight of my rage.

“Are you happy with my confession? The one you bullied out of me. You wanted to hear it so badly that you couldn’t give me time? You couldn’t let me try to be worthy of loving you? You had to hear it in the middle of this bullshit we’ve been thrown into? Well you got your wish Edgar. You got to hear it when you were ready to because lets face it. It’s all about you right?”

“No, I—“

“Shut up.” I hiss. “I begged you to kill me but would you do it? No, you selfishly wanted me for yourself. Yet I stayed, was that enough? I bled to death because I was devastated enough to wander alone into the night by your betrayal, was that enough? No? Well what about me changing myself into a fucking blood sucking monster for you? Was that enough to prove me love to you? You know what I think? I think it’s time you prove to me that you love me.”

I turn on a heel and begin walking away.

Damn, it feels good to get that off my chest.

Yet, the rage still remains.


“Shoshanna, where are you going?”

Away from you, I think though my lips stay closed.

If he wants me he needs to prove it.

Until then I’ll be waiting.


Took me forever to get this typed out but I got it out for you guys. I hope you aren't too pissed at me for the delay. I'll try to be more frequent with the updates, okay? Forgiven? Deal?

So, reactions to the fight? I think Shoshanna needed to grow a pair and tell Edgar where to shove it. Hence the intense scene between the two. Besides, Edgar never had to work very hard for her love and...every girl loves a guy who can grovel well ;}




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