Reborn Spacer

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This does not look like any part of any galaxy in the universe that I know.It seems familiar but I know am on the edge of the ever expanding universe. It seems turbulent but calm, everything is in shades of red and orange streams of yellow plasma flow in uniform patterns. Strange and unnerving but inviting.

Like being led into a dream I can almost hear a voice in my head that sounds like my own telling me something I would never tell myself. The voice is telling me to take my helmet off; open the doors.

At this point I know the chance of my rescue or the descovery of a new planet in the depths of this unkown galaxy is very unlikely. I am not suicidal though, I am very cramped and even though I have enough energy in the circulation machine to keep me in shape for a long time I want to actually move my legs. Some strange instinct tells me that it would be okay to leave just eject from my jet, to take off my suit and aparati and float in air the perfect

 Some strange instinct tells me that it would be okay to leave the confines of my jet and my suit and float in air the perfect temperature and consistency. This recycled air has been getting staler and staler with everyday. 

Then suddenly as if my arm was controlledy by pure impulse I pulled my helmet off and ripped the respirator from my nose and mouth I noticed the sharp slicing pain and admonish myself for being so hasty. But thats all I noticed. I was breathing. I pressed the button that opens the cockpit bay and unstrapped myself from the circulation pads that had kept my swaddled like an infant for the past 7 months.

I began to float out of the jet in air that seemed to be around 22 degrees. Perfect. As I floated further and further from my jet it began to disapear into ever changing clouds of coloured gas. I didn't care. My instinct somehow knew I was safe. and I drifted through clouds of sandy limestone and the color of dusk for how long I can't tell.

 Channels of warm air slowly raise the ambient temperature until it was the same as my body. I disconnected the regen machine from my lower pack I could feel all of the little tentacles conected to each organ in my body retract. The machine allowed me to go without eating or sleeping while I spent months in space and sometimes yearsdrifting throught the vast emptiness. Not the healthiest option most people are sane enough not to choose this option, but deep space exploration is extremely important so we have have to make moral compromises. 

Wearing this machine is taxing though and getting to take was the best time of my life, usually Im sitting in front of a table full of food, all the food I fantasized about on my verious long trips. I would have giant urns of water flavored with fruit and herbs and sweetened with grape sugar. The hunger that comes after removing this machine is immense. But as I floated throught these clouds feeling no end to myself and my surroundings I felt completely sated, and I slowly drifted to sleep.

  That was it. I never woke up. My concious mind left my body possibly floating through space for lightyears until it landing it the conciousness of a forming feotus inside of a woman on a small rural planet of limited technology and social evolution probably not even members of the Mileau. Probably no space travel.

 I was drove home in a car with a combustion engine. My conciousness was still asleep though waithing for the development of the motor skills necessary for communication, but the memories of my older self were fading fast until all I could remember of my life was the final moments and my first words were, breathe.

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