A Heart-wrenching news

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Eva and Lynn just reached the hospital at time,Luella was laid on the stretcher and taken to the ICU.Miss Lynn took her to the waiting lounge, the world was getting narrower on her."Have a seat Eva dear,"she said sitting on the bench.

"Its okay,she'll be fine"Lynn said patting her head,"She's a strong lady,she'll make it through."


The sun was slowly getting down,it was 5 in the evening.People were going around,here and there.... some looking after their loved ones and some being looked after.Eva was looking at them in silence like the voice of her heart was being faded out in the loud noises.

After another half an hour,the nurse came to fetch Lynn and Eva,they quickly followed her to the ICU section,the doctor was standing in front of the unit room. 

"your patient is fine now....",the doctor said,"but she seems to have taken a lot of stress,I recon you to keep her away from tense situations....you know....it gets a little unpredictable at this age."

"Is there anything else",Eva said ,"that needs to be taken care of"

"Nothing really",the doctor smiled,"just the medicines on time"he said as he handed over something to the nurse behind him.Eva looked at him with thanking eyes,Lynn's  arm was still around her shoulder. "you should go back now",she said "I have called Theo,he'll be here anytime now.Eva wanted to stay but she couldn't say  it,"and what about you"she asked with a mild voice,"I'll be here with Luella,Theo will stay with me.....she's going to be discharged tomorrow anyway so it'll be fine. Theo soon arrived and took Eva back home.


The door opened,everything was completely disordered,the house was a mess.As soon as Eva started cleaning,the telephone rang,"who is it"she thought,picking up the receiver.

"Is this Mrs Luella's residence?"

"yes,it is"

'And you are...?'

"Eva Sacha",she said,sweat all over her face.

"This is Blue Flux Hospital"

"hospital"her thoughts tangled up.

"Ma'am',the attendant spoke up,"we've found a dead body that belongs to this address."................Eva could barely stand straight,her throat dried up.

"Thi....this address",she chocked on her words.

"yes Ma'am,the individual is recognized as Ethan yannik,If you could..........."

"Ethan yannik",the receiver dropped from her hand,she fell to the ground,her whole body went numb and her eyes started dripping. 

"Is this a joke?this isn't real!!!!"..........Life plays wicked games with you even you wanna withdraw,you cant.More than anything,she suddenly thought of Luella and her eyes started dripping more rapidly.

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