Secret revealed

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Your POV
"Yes school is finally out for the summer!" Jeff exclaimed happily. I giggled lightly shaking my head. "We should totally hang out before we go home. I mean we might not see you for the whole summer" EJ said to me. 'Trust me EJ, you'll be seeing me all summer' I thought smirking inwardly. "True. So where do you want to go?" I asked. "Let's go to the mall or something" Clockwork said. The boys groaned. "Why do you girls like the mall?!" Jeff said boredly. "Why don't we just go to the movies instead" I suggested. They agreed as we walked to the cinema.
"That was awesome" Toby said as Clockwork held him. We all agreed and began walking. "Well (Y/N), I guess this is goodbye. See you in school after summer" Masky said. "Yeah. Bye guys and whore" I said referring to Jane as the whore. She scoffed and folded her arms, turning away. I smirked and began walking home. I decided to stop by my actual house before going to the Slender mansion. I opened the door to be greeted by Sally. "Young mistress. Long time. I miss you~" she flirted making me scoff. "Yeah right. Where's Damien?" I asked. "Here I am, mistress~" he said appearing outta nowhere. "Miss me" I said smirking. "Indeed. How is the Slender mansion?" he asked. "Okay, I gotta head back before they get suspicious" I answered changing out from my human disguise. "Anyways, I'm off. Later love~" I said making him blush. I teleported appearing in my room. "Finally no more switching back and forth between human and demon" I said relaxing on my bed. I headed downstairs to see Jeff and the others that 'I' go to school with on the couch. "H-hey St-Stormy. Do yo-u have a m-minute?" Hoodie asked. "Sure what's up" I said sitting on the couch. "Well Stormy since you know everything about everyone, we wanted to know if you know this girl" EJ said holding a picture of me in my human form. My eyes widened slightly before smirking, "Yeah I know her. So?" I asked. "Well we have been observing her actions in school and we've seen a lot of similarity between you and her. Any relation?" Masky asked. "Oh so that's what this is about. You've been observing both of us and matching out similarities. Creeps" I said smirking and crossing my legs. "Come on Stormy, just tell us" Clockwork pleaded. "I guess I could tell you or I could show you" I said standing up. I transformed into my human form, smirking as they gasped. "(Y/N)?!" they all exclaimed. "What cat got your tongue?" I asked teasingly and transformed back. "So all this while we've been going to school while out housemate!" Jeff exclaimed. "Yeah, fascinating isn't it? Right whore" I said to Jane who was still amazed. She recovered and puffed glaring at me. I smirked and said, "Now you guys know my secret. Happy?" I said rolling my eyes. They chattered happily and soon everyone in the house knew. I sat in my room when Zalgo appeared. "Oh I have a door for a reason dad" I told him slightly glaring. He shook his head before saying, "Well daughter seems like you're enjoying yourself. I hope you are satisfied with the way things are here?" he asked. "It's alright. Jane's still a bitch but I can handle her" I replied. He smiled slightly, "Well you can't have everyone as a friend. I'll be on my way, feel free to call if you have any problems" he said before disappearing. "I don't think I would" I said resting for a bit. Little did I know something was about to happen.

Zalgo's daughter (Creepypasta x reader) Where stories live. Discover now